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GAVI Update

Washington, DC, 15-16 July 2003

>>Back to the 11th GAVI Board Meeting

Background paper
(Word - 124K)

4. Improving Board Operations

  • An Executive Committee of the GAVI Board could help to improve efficiency and facilitate decision-making of the full Board, as the topics being presented to the Board become more and more complex.

  • The current two-year term of rotation may be too short for rotating members to fully build their constituencies and contribute to the GAVI Board.


The Board:

    4.1 Approved the creation of a GAVI Board Executive Committee, to include all five renewable members (WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, the Vaccine Fund and the Gates Foundation) and one rotating member each from developing and industrialized country governments. Based on consultations with Board members subsequent to the meeting, USAID (Anne Peterson) and Mozambique (Francisco Songane) have been elected as the first two rotating members of the Executive Committee.

    4.2 Decided that the performance of the EC should be reviewed after one year of operation in relation to its agreed functions, as outlined in terms of reference developed during the meeting which can be found in the revised Proposal for improved GAVI Board operations.

    4.3 Endorsed the proposal that other Board members should be consulted and participate in Executive Committee deliberations on specific topics as necessary.

    4.4 Decided that involvement of Board members - and not alternates - will be essential for the Executive Committee to be effective.

    4.5 Approved the extension of rotating Board member terms from two to three years.

>>Back to the 11th GAVI Board Meeting

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