GAVI Board Teleconference
18 April 2002
Summary Report (Word - 137K)
1. Guidelines for Financial Sustainability Plans
The Board:
- Endorsed the draft Guidelines for Financial Sustainability Plans and commended the Financing Task Force for its excellent work on developing them, including the wide consultative process undertaken and the testing of the Guidelines in Cambodia and Ghana.
- Agreed with the recommendation to consider the process for the first 13 countries to prepare and submit their Financial Sustainability Plans as an extended pilot phase*. In this way, these first plans will not be linked to continuing financial support from the Vaccine Fund. Furthermore, the lessons learned and experience gained through this extended pilot will inform the further development of Guidelines and the planning process.
- Agreed with the recommendation to extend the deadline for submission of the first financial sustainability plans from the first 13 countries from 30 September 2002 to 30 November 2002.
- Resolved that at the Board meeting in June, discussions on the topic should focus on the following issues:
- What is the proposed process and strategy for supporting countries in developing their plans, including capacity building at the country and regional levels?
- How can the development and implementation of the financial sustainability plans fit within the broader health and development arena, including sector-wide approaches, other global initiatives, HIPC and development of PRSPs, and the Millenium Development Goals?
- How can partners address the resource gaps that are identified through the process - both at at the country and global levels? The need to systematically inform donors throughout the process was stressed.
- How should the Board consider the review of countries' financial sustainability plans after the pilot phase, in the context of GAVI and continuing support from the Vaccine Fund?
2. Recommendations of the Independent Review Committee (IRC)
In the sixth round of proposal reviews, the IRC reviewed new proposals from 13 countries including one request for immunization services support, five requests for new and under-used vaccines and eleven requests for injection safety support. In addition, the committee reviewed eight inception reports from countries that were approved for support in the first two rounds.
The Board:
- Endorsed all of the recommendations of the IRC concerning new proposals and inception reports.
Specific recommendations included that:
- requests for hepatitis vaccines from Myanmar receives approval;
- requests for injection safety support from Armenia, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Yemen, and Zambia receive approval, with clarifications**
- all eight inception reports received - from Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Haiti, Malawi, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tajikistan - be considered satisfactory, and that the second tranche of immunization services support be released and vaccine orders be placed for those countries.
- Requests The Vaccine Fund Board to approve the above recommendations concerning new proposals and inception reports.
- The financial implications for the years 2002 and 2003 of approval of the new proposals are estimated to be $ 5,3 million. The five-year commitment is estimated to be in the order of US$ 17,2 million, given current vaccine prices and assuming that the countries consistently reach their targets.
- The financial implications in 2002 of approval of the Malawi inception report is estimated to be US$ 5,1 million; the financial implications in 2002 of approval of the other inception reports were previously presented to the Board when these countries were first awarded support.
- Agreed that the Ukraine proposal, for which the IRC deferred its decision due to a lack of information, will not need to come back to the Board once the information is received and reviewed by the IRC, but may be processed by the Secretariat, in consultation with the Board Chair.
- Recommended that in certain complex cases, representatives of the GAVI Secretariat and one or more Partner agencies should consider scheduling prompt missions to the countries in order to ensure that the ICC is fully briefed on the outcome of the IRC review.
3. Proposed text on financial audit requirements for Annual Progress Reports
The Board:
- Approved the text proposed by the sub-group regarding financial audit requirements to be included in the Annual Progress Reports required of countries receiving support from the Vaccine Fund:
"Financial accountability forms an integral part of GAVI/The Vaccine Fund monitoring of reporting of country performance. It is based on the regular government audit requirements as detailed in the Banking form. The ICC Members confirm that the funds received have been audited and accounted for according to standard government or partner requirements."
- Requested that the system be monitored to ensure that GAVI's audit requirement does not create excessive burden on countries and is consistent and integrated with sector-wide approaches and other health efforts, when applicable.
*The first 13 countries that received awards from The Vaccine Fund will be included in this pilot phase. They are: Cambodia, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guyana, Kenya, the Kyrgyz Republic, Laos, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Tanzania.
**In line with current policy, as soon as satisfactory clarifications are received at the Secretariat these proposals will be considered approved.