GAVI Board Teleconference
19 December 2000
Summary Report (Word - 21K)
Summary of Discussion
Noordwijk Board Meeting summary
The summary of the Noordwijk Board Meeting on 19 November was endorsed by the Board.
Word document (approx. 60kb) |
Selection of representatives for the four vacant board seats
OECD Country Government:
One government was recommended by the OECD constituency at the Partners Meeting in Noordwijk: Norway.
Decision: Norway, represented by State Secretary Sigrun Mogedal.
Developing Country Government:
The developing country constituency at the Partners meeting invited nominations to be submitted to the GAVI Secretariat by 5 December
Four country nominations were received Ghana, Kenya, Mali, and Tanzania
Decision: Mali, represented by the Minister of Health, Fatoumata Nafo-Traore.
Developing Country Industry:
Two developing country industry representatives were nominated by the constituency at the Partners Meeting: Instituto Butantan of Brazil and Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) of Cuba
Decision: CIGB, represented by Director-General Luis Saturnino Herrera Martinez.
Technical Health Institutes:
Two technical health institutes were nominated by the constituency at the Partners Meeting: the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the International Vaccine Institute (IVI) in South Korea.
Decision: CDC, represented by Deputy Director David Fleming.
Selection of representatives for seats that will become vacant in 2001 and 2002.
There was a suggestion that Board nominations for seats becoming vacant in January 2002 be delayed until the next Partners Meeting in November 2002. However, it was felt that this would disrupt the gradual transition of Board members, and would impede the goal of greater representation of the constituencies. Each constituency is therefore required to develop plans in 2001 to identify appropriate candidates for seats that will become vacant in January 2002.
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