Fourth GAVI Board Meeting
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 19 November 2000
Dr Gro-Harlem Brundtland, Director-General of the World Health Organization and Chair of the GAVI Board, called the meeting to order. Dr Els Borst-Eilers, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport for the Netherlands, welcomed the Board to Noordwijk.
Executive summary
Other documents (Word 165k)
- Annex 7a: GAVI Board policy on vaccines of limited supply
This document, produced by the GAVI Working Group, outlines the main points of consensus reached by the GAVI Board on the allocation of scarce combination vaccines during its 4 October teleconference.
- Annex 7b: GAVI In-kind donation policy
- Annex 7c: Summary report of the GAVI Board Teleconference, 4 October 2000
Participants list (Word 25k)
Full report (PDF 719k)