GAVI Board Teleconference
28 January 2003
Summary Report (Word - 27K)
1. ADIPs: selection of host agencies 2. Human resources for immunization 3. New Board seats 4. Zimbabwe 5. Schedule of upcoming meetings/teleconferences
1. ADIPs: selection of host agencies
The Board:
- Endorsed the recommendations of the ADIP Review Committee. Specifically, that:
- GAVI accept and fund the pneumococcal vaccine ADIP proposal from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, with Dr. Orin Levine as team leader.
- GAVI accept and fund the rotavirus vaccine ADIP proposal from the Program for Appropriate Technologies in Health (PATH), with Dr. John Wecker as team leader.
- Requested The Vaccine Fund to make a commitment of $30 million over 3 to 5 years to each ADIP host ($60 million in total).
- Requested an immediate release from The Vaccine Fund of budgets for activities from 1 March to 30 September 2003: $4.0 million to PATH and $2.4 million to Johns Hopkins.
- Requested Rick Klausner to review the TORs for the GAVI ADIP Steering Group and propose to the Board a revised set of TORs and a suggested composition for the Group at the next GAVI Board teleconference on 27 February.
- Requested the GAVI Secretariat to send a letter to the ADIP Review Committee members to thank them for their excellent work.
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2. Human resources for immunization
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The Board:
- Endorsed the paper presented by DFID and its main recommendation: that in consideration of the breadth of issues and work being conducted already in this area, GAVI's role in human resources should be to challenge the countries and the ongoing international human resources work to ensure that they are addressing the needs of immunization within the broader context and strategy. Specifically, that UNICEF and WHO should take the lead according to the following timeline:
- Through March, a review of other human resource initiaves currently underway at WHO, AFRO, The World Bank and Rockefeller's Joint Learning Process, and suggestions on how the needs of immunization can be incorporated into these initiatives.
- By April, an assessment of how well the ongoing HR-related work is going to address immunization issues and identify whether any further work is warranted.
- By May, a synthesis of findings and preparation of a report to the GAVI Board for decision. The report will outline the extent to which human resource needs can be addressed through the broader context, and define the gaps that may be addressed through other mechanisms.
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3. New Board seats
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The Board:
- Endorsed the analysis conducted by Dr Fatoumata Nafo-Traoré of the information received from the twelve candidates, all of whom are Ministers of Health from Vaccine Fund eligible countries.
- Decided that, based upon the analysis and the previously agreed criteria* for Board membership, Mozambique Minister of Health Dr Francisco F. Songane and Mongolia Minister of Health Dr P. Nymadawa be asked to join the GAVI Board. The Secretariat will notify all of those nominated about this decision.
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4. Zimbabwe
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The Board:
- Approved the proposal that considering the currency crisis in Zimbabwe, the ICC may request that the second installment of ISS support ($318,000) be transferred to UNICEF to purchase vaccines, instead of directly to the country where it would be changed into local currency. The Secretariat will work with the Chair to communicate this decision to the Zimbabwe ICC.
5. Schedule of upcoming meetings/teleconferences
- The next GAVI Board teleconference will be on 27 February, at 17h00 Geneva time. The main agenda items will be the recommendations of the IRC monitoring team and the 2003 Work Plan and Budget.
- The next GAVI Board meeting will be a one-day extra-ordinary meeting on 6 March in New York City. The meeting will be hosted by UNICEF and will start early at 08h00. The main item on the agenda will be the report of the McKinsey access work. Logistical information will follow in due course.
- The June GAVI Board meeting will most likely take place in the United States - either on 18-19 or 19-20 June.
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