GAVI Board Teleconference
19 December 2002
Summary Report (Word - 39KB)
1. Access Framework: update on the work of McKinsey
The Board:
- Welcomed McKinsey's initial findings and agreed that the work should go forward.
- Requested more clarity on the team's assumptions regarding coverage data and the estimated financing that is required to achieve goals, since the work will eventually lead the Board to review and make a decision about whether to maintain, change or drop goals.
- Suggested that the monitoring and evaluation team of the Implementation Task Force review the coverage data in the most important countries.
- Committed to make themselves more available to the McKinsey team for consultation and input. A. Asamoah-Baah, as chair of the reference group, will design the process to obtain greater Board input.
- Considered that the next phase should analyse whether it is feasible / desirable to push the countries to do everything they can to reach the 80-80 goal or whether we should push them to reach their own goals.
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2. Work Plans
The Board:
- Welcomed the report of the GAVI Work Plan sub group meeting in Amsterdam and endorsed the recommendations from the group (see attached for report of meeting).
- Committed itself to identify new resources to meet remaining funding gaps for 2003, but a strong case would have to be made as to why the highest priority activity(ies) could not be funded by the partners or from the contributions to WHO, UNICEF and the World Bank by the Netherlands, Norway and CVP.
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3. New Board seats
The Board:
- Endorsed the nominations of Minister for International Cooperation Susan Whelan from Canada and Dr.Suresh Sakharam Jadhav of the Serum Institute of India to assume the OECD country government and Developing country vaccine manufacturer seats, respectively. The Secretariat will work with the Chair to send official notification to the new Board members.
- Agreed that the annual Board fees of $300,000 to support the administrative costs of the Secretariat cannot be waived in the case of the International Vaccine Institute, the only nominee from the technical institute constituency. If the IVI is unable to pay this fee, another nominee will need to be identified and the CDC would continue as an observer to the Board until the seat is filled.
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4. Other Business
- Due to the recent news from Glaxo-Smithkline that it will be unable to meet its vaccine supply commitments for the combination vaccines, Yemen, Burundi, and Zambia will not be able to receive combination vaccines for which they have been approved until at least 2004. WHO and UNICEF will schedule missions to these countries to help them develop new plans for introducing monovalent vaccines and work with GAVI Secretariat to accelerate the review and approval process.
- As DFID was unable to participate in the teleconference, the discussion of its paper on addressing human resources for immunization was postponed until the next teleconference.
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5. Next meeting, teleconference
- The report of the McKinsey study on access will require substantive discussion in order to identify appropriate strategies for follow up. It may therefore be necessary to schedule an extraordinary one-day meeting in March. The Secretariat will work with the Chair to poll Board members about their availability for this meeting. [Two potential dates were subsequently identified: 5 March in New York City or 10 March in Europe.]
- The next teleconference will be scheduled for late January or early February. [The teleconference has been subsequently scheduled for 28 January, at 17.00 Geneva time.]
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