Governance Documents
Dr Julian Lob-Levyt, Executive Secretary, read his bio here |
GAVI is a dynamic alliance, allowing for change and modifications as new issues arise. During its existence a number of documents have been prepared that outline the roles of the different entities and the partners in working toward the common goals. They are provided here, in reverse chronological order.
- December 2004: Strengthening GAVI's Governance Processes and Structures in the Context of convergence - 2004 Governance Review Final report [PDF, 275 kb], exhibits [PDF, 354 kb]
- June 2002: Report of the External Review of the Functions and Interactions of the GAVI Working Group, Secretariat and Board, by Karen Caines and Hatib N'Jie [Word, 665 kb]
- November 2001: GAVI and The Vaccine Fund – Roles and Responsibilities, prepared the GAVI Working Group and adopted by the GAVI Board [Word, 424kb]
- June 2000: GAVI Guiding Principles, prepared by the GAVI Secretariat and adopted by the GAVI Board [Word, 30 kb]
The Board
The GAVI Board sets the policies of the alliance. Comprised of the highest-level representation from the partners, there are five renewable members – WHO, UNICEF, The World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and The Vaccine Fund – and twelve rotating members responsible for representing the collective expertise and perspective of their constituencies.
Board functions and operations
Current Board Membership
The Executive Committee
Established in July 2003, the Executive Committee of the GAVI Board facilitates closer supervision and implementation of GAVI’s activities; it streamlines operations by removing most day-to-day management responsibilities, which allows the Board to focus on larger issues and decisions. Membership includes four renewable members (WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, and the Gates Foundation), one rotating member each from developing and industrialized country governments and one rotating member each from industrialized countries and developing countries vaccine industry.
Executive Committee functions and operations
Executive Committee documents
Current Executive Committee Membership
The Working Group
The GAVI Working Group is responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the GAVI Board, and is comprised of middle-level managers in the GAVI partner institutions. Working as an advisory group to the Executive Secretary, it prepares policy recommendations for Board consideration and ensures close coordination between partner activities.
Working Group functions and operations
Current Working Group Membership
The Secretariat
The GAVI Secretariat, housed in the European regional office of UNICEF in Geneva, facilitates coordination between the partners and manages the review of country proposals to the Vaccine Fund. The Executive Secretary reports to the GAVI Board and the Secretariat’s budget is financed by membership fees paid by the GAVI Board members.
Secretariat functions and operations
Secretariat organizational chart ('organogram')
Task Forces
Four GAVI Task Forces were established to address specific issues of concern to the Board -- of those, only the Financing Task Force remains active. Task forces are funded and managed by their respective lead agency(ies), and include representatives of the relevant partner agencies. The Financing Task Force is chaired by the World Bank. Information on former task forces can be found here.
In addition, regional groups have been formed to help coordinate technical support and information sharing between the national and international levels.
GAVI Governance
The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) is a coalition of global leaders in immunization including UN organizations, national governments, foundations, NGOs, and the pharmaceutical industry, formed in response to stagnating global immunization rates and widening disparities in vaccine access among industrialized and developing countries. Since 1999 the alliance has provided a mechanism for partners to collaborate more closely, agree upon common goals and strategies, and share a commitment to do more for immunization – and to do it better.