12th GAVI BOARD MEETING Geneva, Switzerland, 9 - 10 December 2003 SUMMARY REPORT
Documents Polio Eradication Strategic Plan 2004-2008 ‘Finishing the Job and Protecting our Investment’ (PDF - 543K) Summary (PDF - 19K) Presentation (PPT - 1713K) |
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10. Polio
- The Board welcomed the new Strategic Plan for Polio Eradication for 2004-2008, noting the critical importance of closing the funding gap to facilitate the interruption of wild poliovirus transmission within the next 18 months. The Board also noted the central importance of this high-profile global health goal to the future of international immunization efforts, including the other GAVI objectives.
- Noted that the mainstreaming objectives of the initiative should be considered in the context of GAVI on a country-by-country basis. It makes sense to focus this work in the seven large population countries included in the GAVI 2004-05 priorities.
- Recognizing the global importance to immunization programmes, the Board agreed that polio should be on the agenda of the next GAVI Board meeting.
The Board:
10.1 Committed GAVI to a programme of high level advocacy in the remaining endemic countries (India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Niger) to ensure appropriate high level oversight and quality of the polio campaigns during the critical period through mid-2005.
10.2 Endorsed the resource mobilization efforts of the polio eradication partnership and reiterated the importance of closing the funding gap at this critical time.
10.3 Agreed to revise the GAVI polio milestone to reflect the new eradication target. The GAVI polio milestone will now read: "By end-2008, the world will be certified polio-free."
10.4 Requested that the polio initiative come back to the Board at a future time Specific proposals as to the monetary and non-monetary role that GAVI could play in accelerating the development of the necessary products for the OPV cessation phase. It would make sense to consider this in the context of the investment case framework activity discussed under section 4.
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