12th GAVI BOARD MEETING Geneva, Switzerland, 9 - 10 December 2003 SUMMARY REPORT
Documents The Case for Investment in R&D for Three Immunization Technologies: Recommendations for GAVI Action (PDF - 99K) Presentation (PPT - 39K) |
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13. New Technologies
The Board:
13.1 Decided to continue to rely primarily upon partners to fund and implement R&D efforts and not to engage in specific R&D technology efforts at the present time.
13.2 Agreed that GAVI should build upon the current efforts of WHO to undertake a systematic “scan” of the landscape every other year to identify emerging technologies, conduct cost-effectiveness analysis, make recommendations, and advocate for R&D efforts.
13.3 Considered that pre-filled injection devices might be an important technology for GAVI to look at in the future.
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