12th GAVI BOARD MEETING Geneva, Switzerland, 9 - 10 December 2003 SUMMARY REPORT
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15. Other Business
The Board:
15.1 Endorsed the planned activities of the Merck Vaccine Network-Africa to develop training centers in Africa to increase the capacity of immunization programs to effectively deliver vaccines.
15.2 Agreed that Dr JW Lee, as the GAVI Chair, should chair the selection committee for the recruitment of the new GAVI Executive Secretary to replace Tore Godal, who will retire at end 2004. This work should be conducted with an eye on the progress of the convergence discussions under point 5 above. The Chair requested UNICEF, who previoulsy managed the selection and recruitment of the current Executive Secretary, to provide him with a description of the earlier process.
15.3 Decided that the next Board meeting should be scheduled for 6-7 July 2004.
15.4 Accepted the invitation by the American Red Cross to host the July GAVI Board meeting at its headquarters in Washington DC.
15.5 Agreed in principle that Board meetings should alternate being held in industrialized and developing countries.
15.6 Decided that at future Board meetings there should be a summary of the discussions and decisions of the Executive Committee that occur between Board meetings.
15.7 Tentative dates for December meeting: 9-10 December 2004.
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