Documents EC June retreat report (PDF - 37KB) Presentation by Lynn Oppenheim, Center for Applied Research (PPT - 29KB) |
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3. The GAVI long-term strategy
- GAVI is strong because of its convening power and the complementary roles of all the partners - most of whom have been involved in immunization for a long time. On the other hand, much of the real power behind the alliance is the resources of the Vaccine Fund - a new source of funding that the GAVI Board must ensure is additional and spent in the most optimal way.
- The dual nature of GAVI creates difficulty in identifying its true value and role. GAVI as an alliance has adopted very broad goals related to the entire global immunization arena. The resources in The Vaccine Fund, however, have been used for very specific purposes. Looking to the future, it will be critical to develop and use simple messages that describe the dual nature of GAVI in clear terms.
- The need for clarity in describing the role of the Vaccine Fund will be especially critical for fundraising activities; the financing requirements of the Vaccine Fund must be put into the context of the global financing requirements for immunization so that its particular added value can be recognized and financing needs of partners can be supported.
The Board:
3.1 Endorsed the outcome of the EC retreat discussions on GAVI's long-term strategy but requested further work be done to clarify:
3.1.1 The principles, criteria and strategic priorities for the use of Vaccine Fund resources by simplifying the language, reducing the number of items to only the most salient points, and better distinguishing the difference between principles and criteria in the decision-making process.
3.1.2 That time-limited does not mean short-term.
3.1.3 The concept of sustainability.
3.1.4 That the resources of The Vaccine Fund are complementary, building on and supporting what the partners are doing.
3.1.5 That funding to low income countries under stress should continue to be flexible, with channelling through partners as necessary.
3.1.6 How the convergence of the GAVI Secretariat and The Vaccine Fund will affect the messages about GAVI's long-term strategy.
3.2 Agreed that it will need to consider whether to change its mission statement and objectives in light of the agreement on the further clarification of the role of GAVI and The Vaccine Fund.
3.3 Requested the coordinating group on global advocacy to take responsibility for coordinating and improving messaging on GAVI's long-term strategy and dual role, in an iterative process that builds on the discussions and recommendations of the sub-group of the GAVI Board on governance, the WHO/UNICEF global strategy, and other relevant processes as they develop.
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