Sixth GAVI Board Meeting, 17 October 2001, Ottawa, Canada

October 2001

6. Other Business

  • UNICEF confirmed that the availability of combination DTP-hepB and DTP-hepB-Hib vaccines for 2002 had been reduced from 30 million to 20 million doses. It was estimated that this reduced quantity would be sufficient for those countries that had already started the introduction of these vaccines, but that no new countries would be able to introduce combination DTP-hepB or DTP-hepB-Hib vaccines during 2002. The situation for 2003 would be clearer by end-2001.

  • UNICEF also confirmed the relative scarcity of yellow fever vaccine during 2001 and that the priority had been to build up a 2 million dose stockpile, in close collaboration with WHO and other partners in the Inter-agency Consultative Group (ICG) that was set up to monitor outbreak response. The stockpile had enabled immediate support to the Côte d’Ivoire outbreak earlier this year. In addition, three countries had received small quantities of vaccines based on GAVI approvals. Availability for 2002 and beyond was considerably greater which would enable good response to those countries applying for yellow fever vaccine through GAVI.

  • The Board welcomed the announcement made by Canada Minister for International Cooperation Maria Minna that Canada would be contributing US $6.4 million ($10 million Canadian) to The Vaccine Fund over three years and that the amount would be re-evaluated at the government’s next budget meeting in February 2002.

  • The Board appreciated the presentation given by American Red Cross Senior Technical Advisor Mark Grabowsky at the dinner preceding the Board meeting, which outlined his organization’s commitment to measles control efforts.

  • The next teleconference to discuss the recommendations from the independent review committee based on the 5th round of proposal review will be held during the week of 26-30 November 2001.

  • The next meeting of the Board will be on 19-20 June 2002. Location still to be determined, depending on the location of the Partners’ meeting later in the year – at least one of the Board meetings should be held in a developing country. Suggestions for agenda items include:

    • reports from the field: Asia

    • review of Vaccine Fund strategic plan

    • research & development

    • opening Window 3

    • progress on strengthening NGO involvement in GAVI

    • the role of GAVI in middle-income countries

    • capacity building

    • financial sustainability

    • alignment with accelerated disease control initiatives

  • In order to allow for adequate consultation, documents for the next Board meeting will need to be circulated well in advance.



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