Estimated five-year commitment in US$ to 72 countries (July 2005)

Country Surviving Infants at first approval DTP3 coverage at first approval 5 years Immunization Services Support 3 years Injection safety support 5 years New and Under-used vaccine Support Vaccine presentation Other support Total commitment for five years
Afghanistan 901 328 31% 13 512 760 1 675 500       15 188 260
Albania 60 000 93%   100 500 347 500 hepB (10ds) 100 000 548 000
Angola 623 114 50% 6 565 000 1 502 500 38 370 000 DTP-HepB+Hib (2006) 100 000 46 537 500
Armenia 36 118 63% 80 000 54 500 351 000 hepB (1ds) 100 000 585 500
Azerbaijan 106 250 72% 496 000 145 000 698 500 hepB (10ds & 2ds) 100 000 1 439 500
Bangladesh 3 662 915 67% 26 974 000 8 116 500 27 305 000 hepB (10ds) 100 000 62 495 500
Benin 240 517 61%   446 500 21 131 500 YF & hepB (10), to DTP-HepB+Hib (2005) 100 000 21 678 000
Bhutan 15 902 88%   25 500 487 500 DTP-hepB (10) (2003); DTP-hepB (2) (2006) 100 000 613 000
Bolivia 202 677 93%   665 000       665 000
Bosnia & Herz 39 633 85%   57 500 257 000 hepB (1ds & 10ds) 100 000 414 500
Burkina Faso 456 000 42% 5 586 500 991 500 31 706 500 DTP-HepB+Hib (2006) 100 000 38 384 500
Burundi 261 669 57% 2 662 500 428 000 18 401 500 DTP-Hib & hepB (2004); then DTP-hepB+Hib 100 000 21 592 000
Cambodia 434 774 65% 2 392 000 667 500 9 759 500 DTP-hepB 100 000 12 919 000
Cameroon 594 855 48% 5 505 000 1 082 085 18 423 500 YF, DTP-Hep B 100 000 25 110 585
CAR 131 612 23% 1 605 500 146 000 580 500 YF 100 000 2 432 000
Chad 287 769 32% 2 715 000 421 500 1 073 000 YF 100 000 4 309 500
China 19 107 468 93%   15 926 000 21 953 500 hepB (1ds) 800 000 38 679 500
Comoros 21 376 67% 141 000 32 500 330 000 hepB (10ds) to DTP-HepB (2005) 100 000 603 500
Congo Rep 141 266 50% 1 534 500 268 000 785 000 YF 100 000 2 687 500
Congo DRC 2 424 327 31% 31 395 500 3 238 000 14 410 500 YF 100 000 49 144 000
Côte d’Ivoire 468 276 56% 3 859 500   9 298 500 DTP-hepB 100 000 13 258 000
Cuba 126 464 89%   436 000       436 000
Djibouti 24 762 53% 271 000 32 000       303 000
Eritrea 97 846 61% 794 500 144 000 2 149 000 DTP-hepB 100 000 3 187 500
Ethiopia 2 532 519 45% 15 593 500 3 091 000 132 965 000 DTP-HepB+Hib (2006) 100000 151 749 500
Gambia 51 840 74% 489 500 109 000 3 453 500 hepB(10ds) & DTP-Hib(10ds) & Hib(10ds) 100 000 4 152 000
Georgia 50 776 61% 273 500 60 000 614 000 hepB (6ds) 100 000 1 047 500
Ghana 779 359 73% 3 359 500 855 000 47 743 500 DTP-hepB+Hib & YF 100 000 52 058 000
Guinea 288 702 57% 2 100 500 650 500 1 521 500 YF 100 000 4 372 500
Guinea Bissau 43 500 47% 423 000 126 500       549 500
Guyana 20 414 83%     873 000 DTP-hepB+Hib 100 000 973 000
Haiti 262 500 59% 2 171 500 455 000       2 626 500
Honduras 187 704 98%   456 500       456 500
India 24 460 000 55%   24 201 500 15 708 000 hepB (10ds) (2002-03) + (2005-07) 100 000 40 009 500
Indonesia 4 570 828 90% 16 005 000 10 745 500 13 249 500 hepB Uniject 100 000 40 100 000
Kenya 1 285 300 64% 10 327 000 1 244 500 67 387 500 DTP-hepB+Hib & YF 100 000 79 059 000
Korea DPR 441 096 63% 3 315 500 761 000 2 909 000 hepB (10ds) 100 000 7 085 500
Kyrgyz Rep 98 637 99%   178 000 1 091 500 hepB (1ds & 6ds) 100 000 1 369 500
Lao PDR 180 000 56% 2 251 500 279 000 4 961 500 DTP-hepB (10); hepB (2) Birthdose (2006) 100 000 7 592 000
Lesotho 64 324 56% 517 500 109 500 389 000 hepB (10ds) 100 000 1 116 000
Liberia 147 540 23% 2 804 500   527 500 YF 100 000 3 432 000
Madagascar 588 315 57% 4 277 500 794 000 10 793 500 DTP-hepB 100 000 15 965 000
Malawi 393 539 83%   858 500 37 665 500 DTP-hepB+Hib 100 000 38 624 000
Mali 391 620 45% 4 524 500 745 000 20 752 000 YF & hepB (10), to DTP-HepB+Hib (2005) 100 000 26 121 500
Mauritanie 106 768 61% 1 062 000 203 500 827 000 hepB (10) 100 000 2 192 500
Moldova 41 100 98%   86 500 344 000 hepB (2ds) 100 000 530 500
Mongolia 43 700 98%   109 000 2 429 000 Phased DTP-hepB+Hib 100 000 2 638 000
Mozambique 672 000 73% 3 292 000 941 000 15 855 500 DTP-hepB 100 000 20 188 500
Myanmar 1 271 239 70% 7 902 500 2 674 000 21 506 500 hepB (1ds & 6ds) 100 000 32 183 000
Nepal 727 764 72% 5 146 000 1 353 500 12 011 000 hepB (10ds) to DTP-HepB (2005) 100 000 18 610 500
Nicaragua 168 849 86%   439 500       439 500
Niger 484 000 23% 5 731 500 934 000       6 665 500
Nigeria 4 608 972 38% 53 020 000   4 835 500 YF 100 000 57 955 500
Pakistan 4 878 000 58% 31 943 000 9 510 000 47 741 000 hepB (10ds); DTP-HepB (10) (2006) 100 000 89 294 000
Rwanda 326 886 57% 3 512 500 369 000 20 913 500 DTP-hepB+Hib 100 000 24 895 000
São Tome 5 651 79% 63 000 21 500 79 500 hepB (10); YF 100 000 264 000
Senegal 418 091 52% 4 981 000 749 500 19 032 000 hepB; DTP-HepB+Hib (2005) 100 000 24 862 500
Sierra Leone 166 464 39% 2 310 000 312 500 1 009 000 YF 100 000 3 731 500
Somalia 270 769 30% 3 399 500 311 000       3 710 500
Sri Lanka 322 366 99%   845 000 2 974 000 hepB (2ds & 10ds) 2003 100 000 3 919 000
Sudan 1 029 179 64% 7 274 500 1 828 000 4 651 000 hep B 100 000 13 853 500
Tajikistan 155 283 65% 1 322 000 349 500 928 000 hepB (1ds & 10ds) 100 000 2 699 500
Tanzania 1 279 401 74% 8 325 500 1 449 500 30 941 500 DTP-hepB 100 000 40 816 500
Togo 196 240 43% 1 945 500 374 500 1 038 500 YF 100 000 3 458 500
Turkmenistan 94 818 96%   155 500 888 500 hepB (1ds & 10ds) 100 000 1 144 000
Uganda 968 155 54% 10 071 000 1 338 000 74 951 000 DTP-hepB+Hib 2002 100 000 86 460 000
Ukraine 395 196 97%   761 500 3 021 000 hepB (1ds & 10ds) 100 000 3 882 500
Uzbekistan 533 484 95%   807 500 3 623 500 hepB (10ds) 100 000 4 531 000
Viet Nam 1 577 046 93%   3 226 000 11 898 000 hepB (1ds & 2ds) 100 000 15 224 000
Yemen 592 436 73% 4 342 000 1 238 000 41 301 000 DTP-hepB+Hib 100 000 46 981 000
Zambia 427 524 75% 4 641 500 762 500 39 170 000 DTP-Hib (2004); then DTP-hepB+Hib 100 000 44 674 000
Zimbabwe 380 394 78% 3 220 000 1 187 000       4 407 000
TOTAL 89 447 206   338 029 260 114 659 085 942 393 500   6 800 000 1 401 881 845


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