Financing Task Force
The GAVI Board established the Financing Task Force in 1999 to:
- increase the understanding of the financing of immunization services within the health sector and in the poorest countries;
- identify strategies which will improve the capacity of governments, donor partners, and development banks to finance program needs; and,
- identify financial strategies to stimulate research and development and production of affordable, priority vaccines.
Addressing the multitude of financing issues hinges upon the involvement of all partners in immunization. The FTF has a Core Group of members who are responsible for establishing priorities and developing a balanced portfolio of work - from activities requiring partner implementation to activities of a more strategic nature, recognising that what is strategic one year rapidly evolves into implementation the following year. The FTF is chaired by The World Bank.
The FTF Workplan 2003 builds on 2002 priorities and activities with a particular focus on the alignment of the work plan with GAVI objectives and milestones towards improved and sustainable immunization programs. The FTF Workplan 2003 focuses around 2 major priority areas:
- Financial sustainability including support to countries for financial sustainability plan development and implementation; exploration of financing strategies and options; and development of analytical and monitoring frameworks for financial sustainability; and
- Economic and financial incentives for the development and introduction of new and under-used vaccines.
The GAVI FTF also operates a small working web site, www.gaviftf.info where documents, draft papers, and links to other financing initiatives are posted.
News from the FTF
A Report on Financial Sustainability Implementation in 8 Countries (.doc)
FTF Flyer 6 (.pdf)
FTF Flyer 5 (.doc)
FTF Flyer 4 (.doc)
FTF Flyer 3 (.doc)
FTF Flyer 2 (.doc)
FTF Flyer 1 (.doc)
Dakar Photo (1.5 MB .jpg)
Dakar Declaration on Financial Sustainability (.pdf)
About the FTF
Terms of Reference (.pdf)
Core Members (.pdf)
FTF Workplan 2003 (.xls)
FTF Resources
FSP Guidelines & Annexes 2004
Advocacy for Financial Sustainability
Immunization Financing
IF Database
IF Options Resource Kit
- "The Briefcase"
Economic and Financial Incentives to New Vaccine Development
Vaccine Procurement and Demand Forecasting
FTF Forum 2002
Useful Links
World Bank HIPC
UNICEF supply division Information on Vaccine Procurement and Deliveries
Center for Global Development
Abt Associates
FTF Working Web Site