NINTH GAVI BOARD MEETING Dakar, 18-19 November 2002
3 Recommendations from the Independent Review Committee teams
Paper (Word - 346K)
- The Board expressed its confidence that both IRC teams - proposals and monitoring - had conducted rigorous and comprehensive reviews and that their recommendations were sound.
- It may be important to develop mechanisms so that issues raised in the reviews, such as countries that make repeated unsuccessful applications, and long delays in receipt and/or use of funding, are followed up by technical staff of Board members. The noted delays in shipments of vaccines and transfer of funds needs to be analysed fully to identify reasons for the delays and strategies for overcoming them.
- The monitoring team identified a number of issues that will need to be followed: The apparent lack of ICC involvement in monitoring country progress in many countries; the insufficient information about how immunization services funding is being used; and the general low quality of annual report documentation provided by countries.
The Board:
- 1.1 Endorsed all of the recommendations of the IRC concerning approval of country proposals and annual reports. The financial implications for the approval of the new country proposals are estimated to be US$ 9.3 million for 2003-2004, and US$ 18.5 million for the five-year funding period. The financial implications for the approval of country inception and progress reports are estimated to bring a saving of US$ 4.5 million for 2003 compared to previously approved support.
- 1.2 Requested The Vaccine Fund Executive Committee to approve the above recommendations, and to provide $14 million to meet the financial obligations of this decision. With this recommendation, the five-year commitment from the Vaccine Fund is now $905 million.
- 1.3 Approved the proposal from the IRC to extend eligibility for injection safety support to those countries who currently do not qualify for immunization services support or new and under-used vaccines (currently Nicaragua, Honduras, Cuba, Bolivia).
- 1.4 Recommended that the composition of the IRC monitoring team be strengthened in the areas of immunization program management and health economics; that in the future country reports be pre-assessed by relevant experts in partner agencies; and that the guidelines for annual progress reports be amended based on the initial experience.