11th GAVI BOARD MEETING Washington, DC, 15-16 July 2003 SUMMARY REPORT
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Documents WHO Background paper (PDF - 1711K) UN Prequalified Vaccine Manufacturers (Word - 32K) Presentation from Geno Germano, Wyeth Vaccines (PPT - 75K) |
7. Vaccine Vial Monitor Update
- The GAVI Board had previously set a deadline that by end 2003 all vaccines purchased by The Vaccine Fund would need to be supplied with vaccine vial monitors (VVMs). Board members urged that this deadline be met and called for industry representatives to report progress of individual manufacturers towards this goal.
- It will be important for PAHO, as another major vaccine purchaser for developing countries, to become more closely involved with GAVI and UNICEF Supply Division in the issue.
The Board:
7.1 Welcomed the report that adoption of VVMs by manufacturers is accelerating, though behind the schedule proposed by the Board at the last meeting: VVMs will be available on all monovalent hepatitis B and DTP-HepB vaccines by end 2003. VVMs will be available on the DTP-HepB-Hib during 2004. Yellow fever is the only Vaccine Fund-purchased vaccine for which VVMs will not be fully available according to the requirements of the GAVI Board.
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