Other =>> Alliance coordination =>>
Secretariat: Support for governing bodies and communication
Status |
Achievement of overall target |
• Governing bodies:
Basic activities are on track; additional Board-requested activities include work on convergence of the GAVI Secretariat and Vaccine Fund management and a new study of governance issues. Work on an IFFIm proposal has also increased workload.
• Communications:
Progress in certain areas has been slower than anticipated, in part due to complications associated with the split of the communications function between two independent entities in the pre-convergence period, and in part due to the limited level of support available in GAVI Secretariat for the communications function.
An Assistant Information Officer was hired on 1 October to help address the latter situation.
Responsible entity: Secretariat Completed by: December 2005 Total budget: $3,887,479
Total budget includes Secretariat's salaries: $2,077,479
Target description and how it will help reach GAVI milestones
The GAVI Secretariat: services the Board and Executive Committee, including: working with the Board Chair to finalize meeting dates, locations and agendas; preparing all correspondence with Board and EC members; drafting and publishing the reports of the meetings and teleconferences; working with constituencies to nominate new members; providing human resource and financial support to developing country health ministry members; --services the Working Group, including: managing all teleconferences and meetings; drafting meeting and teleconference agendas and reports; --prepares and disseminates consistent documentation on GAVI priorities, policies and procedures; --manages communications for the Alliance, including media relations, web site and quarterly publication --arranges the Partners’ Meeting every two years.
ALL MILESTONES: GAVI needs well-functioning collaboration mechanisms achieved through Board, Working Group, Executive Committee, Partners’ Meeting etc., as well as increased awareness of immunization and GAVI’s unique contribution to ensure long-term commitment and resources.
Justification for selection of activities
The most significant costs for management of Board, EC and WG budget are related to travel and support costs for developing country representatives to participate - a requirement for GAVI to function.
GAVI Board has requested the GAVI Secretariat to assume a more active role in communications, especially in light of cessation of Advocacy and Communications Task Force and need for better alignment with Vaccine Fund resource mobilization activities.
Partners’ meeting is stipulated in GAVI founding documents and provides opportunity for information sharing, consultation, and high-level commitments.
ACTION PLAN Activities | Budget | Coordinating partner/ support partners | Expected outcomes | Management of GAVI Board, Executive Committee, Working Group | $560,000 | Secretariat | • GAVI governance operations are efficient and effective; • documentation materials for meetings and teleconferences are adequate for decision-making; • reports of meeting and teleconferences are accurate and timely. | Communications | $600,000 | Secretariat | • Increased awareness of GAVI and The Vaccine Fund and issues of importance among key audiences, especially potential donors; • increased GAVI website usage by 50%; • web-accessible database on the activities and progress GAVI and The Vaccine Fund used by all partner constituencies; | Partners' Meeting | $650,000 | Secretariat | • Partners' Meeting is attended by all relevant partner constituencies | Rent for secretariat | $660,000 | Secretariat | |
Detailed information on activities GAVI Board, EC, WG management | $560,000 | Communication: | | Web site | $100,000 | Immunization Focus | $100,000 | Board reports | $40,000 | Annual report (joint GAVI/VF) | $60,000 | PR agency | $120,000 | Int'l opinion-leader outreach activities | $100,000 | Database | $80,000 | Partners' meeting | $650,000 | Rent for secretariat | $660,000 |
Targets by priority area
==>> Alliance coordination
• Secretariat: Support for governing bodies and communication • RWG: coordination of partners efforts in the regions
Strengthening service delivery
==>> Health information and monitoring systems
==>> Contributing to alleviation of system-wide barriers
==>> Enhanced efforts in large population countries
Ensuring access to vaccines and related products
==>> Procurement/Supply of existing products
==>> Development and introduction of new, near-term products
==>> Managing process for country support from Vaccine Fund
Securing long-term financing
==>> Financial sustainability
==>> Recapitalization of The Vaccine Fund
Strategic planning & monitoring
==>> Setting priorities
==>> Monitoring progress