13th GAVI BOARD MEETING Washington, DC, 6-7 July 2004 FINAL SUMMARY REPORT Documents GAVI Work Plan update (
PDF - 68K) Presentation by Tore Godal, Executive Secretary (
PPT - 390K) |
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1. Gavi Progress Report
- The activities set out in GAVI Work Plan 2004-05 are on track for the most part, after some initial delays in a few areas due to financial bottlenecks.
- The progress of GAVI needs to be considered within a context of expectations - to know what goals are being set, what has been done to reach those goals, and how the progress measures gainst these goals.
The Board:
1.1 Requested the President of The Vaccine Fund to provide an in-depth presentation at the next Board meeting on its financial situation.
1.2 Welcomed the offer by WHO to report back to the EC at its next meeting on the status of the Vaccine Provision Project.
1.3 Welcomed the development of a global immunization strategy being prepared by UNICEF and WHO in consultation with the wider community, and suggested that the new director of WHO Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals department (IVB) make a presentation on the progress of the strategy development at the next Board meeting
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