1. Presentation on country-level decision-making and implementation by Patrick Zuber and Rudi Eggers, WHO (PPT - 922K)
2. Presentation on long-term procurement issues by Steve Jarrett, UNICEF Supply Division (PPT - 1184K)
3. Presentation on a proposal for a time-limited Hib team by Mercy Ahun, GAVI Secretariat (PPT - 149K)
4. Terms of reference for the Hib Team (PDF - 22KB) |
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10. Hib update
- There are significant challenges in securing the long-term supply of Hib-containing pentavalent combination vaccines. Currently, 13 million doses of pentavalent vaccine are procured annually. This does not represent a significant market to vaccine manufacturers; market competition and price reductions will only come if demand increases.
- The Hib situation will reflect perception of success or failure of GAVI. Strategic supply and procurement approaches are important to develop.
- The dual objectives of affordability, and ensuring that the market is attractive enough for additional producers to invest in vaccine development, must be balanced.
- There is a dearth of disease burden information in developing country settings. In addition, some of the available data are inconsistent. Better collaboration with other pneumonia and meningitis surveillance efforts, such as those being undertaken by the pneumoADIP, could improve the information situation.
- Given the many programmatic and operational challenges surrounding the introduction of Hib vaccine it is paramount to involve countries in the development of any revised GAVI Hib strategy.
The Board:
10.1 Agreed to constitute an ad hoc group representing skills and expertise in programmatic, financing, procurement and supplies with representatives from country and global levels. The proposed list of participants (attached) was approved with the addition of the Board members from research institute (Holmgren) and from the technical health institute (King).
10.2 The team will undertake a broader situation analysis and present a report on country information needs and key issues for updating the GAVI global Hib strategy within the next three to four months.
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