GAVI forms
Proposal guidelines and forms
English: Revised February 2005
- Guidelines on country proposals (Word - 818K)
- Form for proposal for support(Word - 761K)
French: Revised February 2005
- Guidelines on country proposals (Word - 337K)
- Form for proposal for support (Word - 316K)
Russian: Revised February 2005
- Guidelines on country proposals (Word - 666K)
- Form for proposal for support (Word - 295K)
Annual report form (February 2005):
- Annual report form (Word - 674K)
- Annual report form (French) (Word - 457K)
Financial Sustainability Plan
If you have questions, please contact your local UNICEF or WHO office, or the GAVI Secretariat at gavi@unicef.org
Additional materials
Current commitments
Latest results
Country profiles
Review schedule
Proposal information
Eligible countries / criteria Support available Application process Archive of approved proposals
Monitoring & Evaluation Requirements Detailed information on the DQA Archive of progress reports, Financial Sustainability Plans, and Data Quality Audits