Eighth GAVI Board Meeting, Paris, 19-20 June 2002
8. Accelerated Development and Introduction of Priority New Vaccines; ADIPs
Click here to download presentation [Powerpoint, 265 kb]
Click here to download paper [Word, 333 kb]
Click here to download summary [Word, 33 kb] Discussion
- There was broad support to the proposed approach to accelerate the development and introduction of priority new vaccines, called ADIPs.
- Of the three proposed hosting arrangements (passive host, active host, GAVI Secretariat), most Board members preferred that the ADIPs are housed in a passive host such as the GAVI Secretariat. The Board agreed that the quality and personality of the team leader is essential.
- The work related to ADIPs would bring GAVI closer to an implementing role; this is not a concern but the ramifications need to be considered.
The Board:
2.1 Confirmed the importance of having a Steering Group to oversee the work of the ADIPs, with the stipulation that it would include at least one GAVI Board member and report to the GAVI Board.
2.2 Agreed the proposed approach which included several 'go/no go' decision points during the implementation of the ADIP, depending on progress achieved.
2.3 Requested an ad hoc Board subgroup facilitated by McKinsey and consisting of an OECD country (U.K. subsequently selected), Klausner, Lovelace, and India to explore and make recommendations on the best hosting arrangement. If the GAVI Secretariat is chosen as the most appropriate host, an RFP for Host Institutions will not be needed. If the GAVI Secretariat is not deemed an appropriate host, it may be tasked with preparing the RFP. The sub-group will report back to the Board at its next teleconference.
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