NINTH GAVI BOARD MEETING Dakar, 18-19 November 2002
6 Accelerated Development and Introduction Plans
- Board members that may have had a conflict of interest in the discussions were recused. These were: WHO, CVP-PATH, CDC, Wyeth-Ayerst, CIGB.
- The present Board members welcomed the presentation by Helena Makela, the chair of the GAVI Board ADIP Sub-Group and stressed the importance of clear 'go'/ 'no-go' decision points and further exploration of how to obtain input from industry.
- Since the Board members had not had enough time to review the proposals, a teleconference was scheduled for 29 November to make decisions on the recommendations.
DECISIONS [Reached during the 29 November teleconference.]
The Board:
- 1.1 Approved conditionally the rotavirus ADIP proposal from CVP-PATH, pending clarifications in particular in relation to its management.
- 1.2 Requested a resubmission of a joint proposal by the two applicants for the pneumococcal ADIP, or alternatively, a full proposal by each which would then be re-reviewed in competition.
- 1.3 Approved the committee's recommendation to extend the ADIP timeframe from three to five years; the budget of US$ 30 million would also be extended to this five-year framework.
- 1.4 Requested that all proposals be subject to a final review as soon as possible by the ADIP sub-Group (mid-January 2003 is a likely date), and that its final recommendations be submitted to the GAVI Board soon thereafter.