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GAVI Secretariat functions and operations
The Secretariat works in support of the goals of the Board and facilitates activities of the Working Group.
The Secretariat:
- Manages the review of country proposals, including: working with the partners to identify Independent Review Committee members; correspondence with members; hosting the 10-day proposal review sessions two to three times per year; preparing documentation for the reviews; preparing documentation for presentation to the Board; drafting and managing correspondence with countries regarding the outcome of reviews.
- Services the Board, including: working with the Board Chair to finalize meeting dates, locations and agendas; preparing all correspondence with Board members; drafting and publishing the reports of the meetings and teleconferences; working with constituencies to nominate new members; providing human resource and financial support to developing country health ministry members.
- Services the Working Group, including: Managing all teleconferences and meetings; drafting meeting and teleconference agendas and reports.
- Coordinates the activities of the task forces
- Prepares and disseminates consistent documentation on GAVI policies and procedures.
- Manages the website and quarterly publication.
- Arranges the Partners’ Meeting every two years.
- Coordinates and monitors the progress of activities including progress towards the Alliance milestones.
The Secretariat is housed in the premises of UNICEF in Geneva. The Secretariat is exclusively funded by the contributions of the Partners; it does not raise funds for its own activities. It is subject to audit review by the office of the internal audit of the host organization.
Who We Are
The Board
The Executive Committee
The Working Group
The Secretariat
Task Forces
The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) is a coalition of global leaders in immunization including UN organizations, national governments, foundations, NGOs, and the pharmaceutical industry, formed in response to stagnating global immunization rates and widening disparities in vaccine access among industrialized and developing countries. Since 1999 the alliance has provided a mechanism for partners to collaborate more closely, agree upon common goals and strategies, and share a commitment to do more for immunization – and to do it better.