
Standing Advisory Groups

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Independent Review Committee (IRC)

The IRC provides objective, expert advice to the GAVI Alliance Board on country proposals and progress. There are three different IRC teams. They convene separately in Geneva and at different times of the year:

The IRC team for new proposals for Immunisation Services Support (ISS), Injection Safety (INS) and New Vaccine Support (NVS)

The IRC new proposal team for NVS, ISS, and INS review country proposals and make recommendations. They make technical comments and suggestions and recommend one of four outcomes to the GAVI Board:

  • Approval
  • Approval with clarifications – some details or numbers may have to be clarified and a decision subsequently taken by the GAVI Secretariat, usually within a month.
  • Conditional approval – deficiencies in one or more major areas; response to conditions to be reviewed again by the IRC new proposals team at a later round.
  • Resubmission – major deficiencies or incomplete proposals. Full re-submission and new review at a later round required.

Ciro de Quadros (Chair)
Director International Programs
Sabin Vaccine Institute
Washington, DC, USA

Gordon Larsen
Independent Consultant
Immunisation programmes for children

Ann Levin
Independent Consultant

Clifford W. Kamara
Director, Planning and Information
Ministry of Health and Sanitation
Sierra Leone

David Gzirishvili
Consultant, Project Leader of the Reform
of the Health and Social Protection
Tbilisi, Georgia

Frank Kwadjo Nyonator
Director of Planning, Monitoring
and Evaluation Ghana Health Service

El Tayeb Ahmed El Sayed
Head of Disease Control & Prevention
National EPI Manager
Federal Ministry of Health

Syed Fazal Shah
Assistant Professor in Clinical Preventive
Medicine, New York Medical College
Consultant Epidemiologist & EPI Manager
National Health Authority, State of Qatar


The IRC team for new proposals for Health System Strengthening (HSS)

The IRC new proposals for HSS team makes recommendations on new applications for HSS. Based on their review of country proposals the IRC makes technical comments and suggestions and recommends one of the four outcomes to the GAVI Board:

  • Approval
  • Approval with clarifications – some details or numbers may have to be clarified and a decision subsequently taken by the GAVI Secretariat, usually within a month.
  • Conditional approval – deficiencies in one or more major areas; response to conditions to be reviewed again by the IRC new proposals team at a later round.
  • Resubmission – major deficiencies or incomplete proposals. Full re-submission and new review at a later round required.

Maureen Law (Chair)
Private Consultant, Canada

David Gzirishvili
Director, Curatio International Consulting Ltd, Georgia

Lee Nah Hsu
Private Consultant, Health Systems Action Network, Geneva

Pal Jareg
Private consultant, Norway

Clifford Kamara
Director,  Planning and Information. Ministry of Health, Sierra Leone

Frank Nyonator
Director, Policy Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Ministry of Health, Ghana

Ibukun Ogunbekun
Health Systems Consultant, USA

Bolanie Oyeledun
Country director on HIV and AIDS care and treatment, Nigeria

Chris Atim
Heatlh Systems Specialist, PATH, Ferney, France

Marc de Bruycker
European Union, Sierra Leone Office

Nicolaus Lorenz

Hatib Njie
Retired WHO officer, Gambia

Salif Samake
Director of Planning and Statistics, Mali

Mardiati Hadiyin Rifai
Health Economist, University of Indonesia, Jakarta

Soyapi Lungu
Management Development Consultant, Malawi


The IRC team for monitoring Annual Progress Reports.

The IRC monitoring team makes recommendations on progress reports. Receipt of satisfactory annual progress reports is a condition for continued support from GAVI. Progress reports are also pre-reviewed by WHO and UNICEF experts to check data consistency and calculation of vaccine requests.

Based on their review of progress reports, the IRC monitoring team makes technical comments and suggestions and recommends one of three outcomes to the GAVI Board:

  • Continue to provide support;
  • Request clarifications before continuing to provide support;
  • Request resubmission of the report (or part of it) as insufficient information has been provided.

The IRC has no formal decision-making power on behalf of the Alliance. Therefore the IRC recommendations are fowarded by the GAVI Secretariat to the GAVI Board for decision.


Dr Fred Binka (Chair)
Department of Epidemiology
School of Public Health
University of Ghana

Dr Viroj Tangcharoensathien
Director International Health Policy Program
Ministry of Health

Dr Mark Kane
Independent consultant
Former Director
Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Program

Dr Andrew Hall
Professor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Dr Beena Varghese
Health Economist
Independent consultant

Dr Nguyen Van Cuong
Secretary, National EPI Programme, Vietnam
National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Vietnam


The candidates for the IRC are selected by the GAVI Executive Secretary after consultation with the GAVI Working Group and are then submitted to the GAVI Alliance Board for endorsement. The selection criteria are: broad expertise in health with specific knowledge of vaccines and immunisation; independence from GAVI Alliance partners; and integrity. Due regard is paid to sourcing members from as wide a geographic field as possible.

IRC teams review country proposals and progress reports in accordance with the policies established by the GAVI Board and following specific criteria for eligibility.

All IRC team members sign a confidentiality and conflict of interest statement. Members are excluded from discussions regarding their own countries and/or countries for which they have assisted in the preparation of an application for GAVI support.

GAVI Working Group

The GAVI Working Group is responsible for the implementation of the decisions of the GAVI Board, and comprises technical experts from GAVI partner institutions. In this capacity, the Working Group also oversees the accomplishment of the Alliance workplan, preparing policy recommendations for Board consideration, and ensuring close coordination of partner activities. Its members serve in their individual, not institutional capacity. The Working Group is chaired by the GAVI Executive Secretary.


Dr. Julian Lob-Levyt, Executive Secretary
GAVI Alliance
Geneva, Switzerland

Mr. Steve Landry, Global Health Strategies
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Seattle, WA, USA

Dr. Ahmed Magan, Senior Health Adviser
United Nations Children’s Fund
New York, NY, USA

Dr. Anthony Measham, Consultant
Health and Nutrition and Population Unit, The World Bank
Washington, DC, USA

Mr. Shawn Gilchrist, Senior Medical Advisor Public Policy
sanofi pasteur
Lyon, France

Dr. Rudi Eggers, Technical Officer, Vaccines and Biologicals
World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland

Dr. Vance Dietz, Chief, Global Measles Branch
Global Immunization Division
National Center for Immunizations and Respiratory Diseases, CDC
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Dr. Suresh S. Jadhav, Executive Director, Quality Assurance
Serum Institute of India Ltd.
Pune, India

Ms. Susan McKinney, Senior Technical Advisor for Immunization
US Agency for International Development
Washington, DC, USA

Ms. Lene Lothe Gomez Palma, Health Adviser
Global Health and AIDS Department
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation - Norad

Ms. Mette Kjaer, Country Director

Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Advisory Group (METAG)

The GAVI Alliance's Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Advisory Group (METAG) strengthens and co-ordinates monitoring and evaluation among GAVI's main partners. It advises GAVI on monitoring and evaluation approaches, practices and managerial aspects as well as giving assessments and overviews of GAVI's monitoring and evaluation activities.


Samuel Bickel

Elizabeth Luman
Center Disease Control

Lara Wolfson

Serge Xueref
The Global Fund

Slim Haddad
Montreal University

Stein Erick Kruse

Jose-Manuel Freire
Ministry of Health, Spain

Asnakew Yigzaw Tsega
Ministry of Health

Raj Kumar
GAVI Secretariat

Abdallah Bchir
GAVI Secretariat

Anthony Measham
World Bank

Regional Working Groups

The Alliance relies upon regional working groups as focal points for programme coordination, consensus building, and advocacy at the regional and sub-regional level, and as a bridge for information flow between country and global levels.  Regional working groups do not serve implementing functions; rather they help to coordinate implementation activities of partners. In specific, regional working groups:

  • Coordinate partner agency inputs and their activities at country level
  • Oversee the provision of technical support to national immunization programs
  • Provide support for interagency coordinating committees, technical subcommittees and partner representatives at country level (technical updates, information clearinghouse)
  • Monitor the performance of national immunization programs
  • Relay country views and propose policy recommendations to Alliance Partners.

Each regional working group is comprised of a core group of partners, usually led by WHO and UNICEF regional staff.

Regional Working Groups contacts

Regional Office for South East Asia

Dr Pem Namgyal
World Health Organization - South-East Asia Regional Office
I.P. Estate, Ring Road
New Delhi, 110002, India
Tel: office +91.11.23309529
Fax: +91.11.23370106

Pan American Health Organization/Regional Office for the Americas

Dr Claudia P. Castillo
Family and Community Health / Immunizations
Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization
525 Twenty-third St., NW
Washington, D.C. 20037
Tel: (202) 974-3504
Fax: (202) 974-3635

Regional Office for Europe

Dr Niyazi Cakmak
Technical Officer
Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Immunization
Communicable Diseases Unit
8, Scherfigsvej
Copenhagen 2100
Tel: 45 39 17 14 74
Fax: 45 39 17 18 63

Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean

Dr Ezzedine Mohsni
Vaccines Officer
Regional Office for Eastern Mediterranean WHO
Medical Office Vaccine Preventable Diseases & Immunization
Abdul Razzak Al-Sanhouri St.
PO. Box 7608 Nasr City
Caïro 11371 Egypt
Tel: (202)276 5267
Fax: (202)276 5414

Regional Office for Africa

Central Africa
Dr Zakaria Maiga
TL, ICP/PEV, Bloc Central
S/C OMS Cameroun
B.P. 155 Yaoundé
Tel: +237 770 5933
Fax: +237 221 10 77

East and South Africa
Mr Robert Davis
EPI Regional Adviser
UNICEF/ESARO, Regional Office
P.O.Box 44145
Tel: 254 20 622 940
Fax: 254 20 622 678

West Africa
Dr Kane Ibrahima
ICP/PEV/Polio Focal Point
Ouagadougou 03 BP 7019
Burkina Faso

Regional Office for the Western Pacific

Dr Manju Rani, MD, Ph.D
Expanded Program on Immunization,
Western Pacific Regional Office
World Health Organization
Tel: (063)2 528 9745
Fax: (063)2 521 1036