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GAVI Update

Washington, DC, 6-7 July 2004

Presentation by Lynn Oppenheim, CFAR
(PPT - 315K)

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7. EC retreat recommendations on optimal structures and process for GAVI & The Vaccine Fund

  • According to the analysis conducted by the Center for Applied Research (CFAR), the financial benefits of convergence would not by themselves justify the move. However, the GAVI EC recommended moving forward on convergence for strategic reasons - improving the performance of the Vaccine Fund and the GAVI Secretariat in supporting the needs of the partners in the alliance. Since the financial costs of convergence are within reason, the strategic justification remains.

  • The Chair of the Vaccine Fund Executive Committee confirmed that it supports the convergence of the Vaccine Fund management and the GAVI Secretariat.

  • At this time it does not make sense to consider merging the two Boards, for legal reasons. This may be considered at a future time.

  • A top priority for the transition teams (see decision 7.2) will be to define the roles and responsibilities of the converged organization.


The Board:

    7.1 Agreed to the 'base case' for convergence described by CFAR, namely:

      o The GAVI Secretariat and Vaccine Fund management structure share common premises

      o The common premises will be located in Geneva

      o Vaccine Fund staff members located in Washington, DC will remain in Washington, DC

      o Both staff organizations report to a single leader

      o Vaccine Fund employees will remain employees of the Vaccine Fund (a private organization) and Secretariat employees will remain employees of UNICEF

      o The entities retain separate boards

      o Staffing levels will be based on the assumption that the Secretariat and Vaccine Fund carry out functions consistent with the roles described in the EC retreat report.

    7.2 Requested two transition teams to carry out the necessary work - one comprised of Board members and one comprised of GAVI Secretariat and Vaccine Fund staff.

    7.3 Agreed that the staff transition team would be comprised of Bo Stenson of the GAVI Secretariat and Fabian McKinnon of the Vaccine Fund, and would be led by an independent consultant. This consultant would serve as a neutral party in the efforts and provide the considerable staff time necessary to conduct the work required of the transition. Once a new GAVI Executive Secretary is recruited, that person would take over the responsibilities of leading the staff transition team. The staff transition team will review and formulate recommendations to the GAVI and Vaccine Fund Boards on substantive policy issues including, but not limited to:

      o Legal issues, including status of staff and implications under UN regulations

      o Organization design and staffing, including an ideal design of the converged entity and staff roles and responsibilities

      o Messaging, including messaging about the converged entity in light of the overall strategy

      o Human resource and operating policies

      o Systems and infrastructure of the converged entity

      o Management of the legal and HR issues of separation and relocation

      o Workplan and budget for transition

    7.4 Agreed that the Board transition team would be comprised of Pascal Villeneuve of UNICEF and David Fleming or Sylvia Mathews of the Gates Foundation, and be chaired by Chip Lyons, Chair of the Vaccine Fund Executive Committee. The Board transition team will review and formulate recommendations to the GAVI and Vaccine Fund Boards on substantive policy issues including, but not limited to:

      o Roles and responsibilities of the converged entity

      o Legal issues oversight

      o Configuration of the Boards and their coordination

      o Oversight of the staff transition team

    7.5 Requested both the transition teams to report back to the GAVI EC by September or October. The staff transition team will report to the Board transition team as needed.

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