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GAVI Update

Washington, DC, 6-7 July 2004

(PDF - 13KB)
Presentation by Steve Landry, The Vaccine Fund
(PPT - 398K)

>>Back to the 13th GAVI Board Meeting

11. Proposal for bridge financing

  • While the proposal does have merits, many Board members raised questions about the reliability of the projections concerning potential 'mature prices' for the vaccines.

  • The GAVI Board could consider advocacy efforts targeted at encouraging the 90 developing to middle income countries not eligible for Vaccine Fund support to introduce the new vaccines, in an effort to increase the size of the market.

  • As new vaccines enter the market it is a given that vaccine prices will be higher than the older, off-patent vaccines that formed the foundation of the EPI programme. It will be necessary to accept the fact that even at higher prices, these vaccines are among the most cost-effective health interventions.


The Board:

    11.1 Agreed to pursue the principle of cost-sharing with countries that are now receiving combination vaccines, after the first five years of support.

    11.2 Requested more analysis on options for level of co-payment offered to countries - in addition to 'mature price' - and more consultations with countries and donors, before the proposed direction outlined in the paper can be endorsed. The Financing Task Force, supported by the World Bank, will work with the GAVI Working Group, as appropriate, to develop the revised proposal.

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