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8. Investment Case Framework
- The process outlined in the investment case framework is designed to help the GAVI Board make global decisions about where GAVI will invest the resources of the Vaccine Fund in the next phase of GAVI. The framework will come into use once the Board has made the necessary strategic decisions about the long-term goals of the alliance. These long-term goals will be heavily informed by the Global Immunization Strategy currently being developed by UNICEF and WHO in consultation with the broader immunization and health community.
- The investment case framework is not intended to be used by countries that will request new types of support from the Vaccine Fund in the next phase of GAVI. Country support requests will be managed through a modified version of the current country support process.
- The investment case framework describes a complex decision-making process. Some Board members felt this complexity is warranted, considering the large financial implications of these decisions; other Board members felt a more simple route would be preferred; others were concerned that the role of recipient countries in deciding priority investment is not apparent.
- Most Board members felt that the proposed two-step process of initially inviting and reviewing letters of intent and subsequently requesting full investment cases is not required. Instead, the Working Group could vet ideas for new investment cases.
- The proposal to provide up to $50,000 in seed money to an organization or group of partners developing an investment case, was positively received, as long as the number of investment cases is limited and the investment cases are actually solicited by the Board.
- No consensus was reached regarding whether to create a separate review mechanism to make recommendations to the GAVI Board regarding investment cases, or to use existing mechanisms such as the GAVI EC or the Working Group.
The Board:
8.1 Requested revision of the investment case framework to simplify and streamline the proposal, before it could be approved for use. The Secretariat will work with the World Bank team to provide a revised proposal to the Board at its next teleconference.
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