GAVI Milestones
By 2010 or sooner all countries will have routine immunization coverage at 90% nationally with at least 80% coverage in every district.(1)
Status as of April 2003:
- Forty-five or 27% of developing countries (2) report 90% national DTP3 coverage with >80% DTP3 coverage in all districts. An additional 17 countries report >90% DTP3 national coverage, but have no district data.
- Eight or 11% of Vaccine Fund eligible countries report 90% national DTP3 coverage with >80% DTP3 coverage in all districts. One additional Vaccine Fund eligible country reports >90% DTP3 national coverage, but has no district data.
By 2002, 80% of all countries with adequate delivery systems will have introduced hepatitis B vaccine. By 2007, all countries.
Status as of April 2003:
- 79% of all countries with adequate delivery systems (3) have introduced hepatitis B vaccine into their routine systems (134 countries)
- 70% of Vaccine Fund eligible countries (4) with adequate delivery systems have introduced hepatitis B vaccine into their routine systems (42 countries)
By 2005, 50% of the poorest countries with high disease burdens and adequate delivery systems will have introduced Hib vaccine.
Status as of January 2003:
- 48% of developing countries with adequate delivery systems and high disease burden (5) have introduced Hib vaccine (41 countries)
- 31% of Vaccine Fund eligible countries (6) with adequate delivery systems and high disease burden have introduced Hib vaccine (11 countries)
By 2005, the world will be certified polio-free.
Status as of April 2003:
- Three regions of the world are polio free: The Americas, Western Pacific, and Europe.
- In 2002 there were were seven countries with endemic polio and 98% of all new cases are in three countries.
By 2005, the vaccine efficacy and burden of disease will be known for all regions for rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccine, and mechanisms identified to make the vaccines available to the poorest countries.
As this milestone is difficult to measure, it is currently under review by the GAVI Board.
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Notes to Milestones
(1) The GAVI Board adopted this new milestone at its meeting on 6 March 2003 in order to to align GAVI milestones more closely with the infant mortality goal included as one of the Millenium Development Goals and the objectives agreed to in the United Nations Special Session on Children in 2002. (This milestone replaces the '80/80' goal that By 2005, 80% of developing countries will have routine immunization coverage of at least 80% in all districts.)
(2) There are 165 developing countries and economies in transition per UN World Economic & Social Survey, 2001 classification
(3) 170 countries have > 50% DTP3 coverage according to WHO/UNICEF estimates, 2001
(4) 60 Vaccine Fund eligible countries have > 50% DTP3 coverage according to WHO/UNICEF estimates, 2001
(5) 86 countries have been identified as having adequate delivery systems and high Hib disease burden; the Hib situation in Asia and Eastern Europe is not yet clear.
(6) 35 Vaccine Fund eligible countries have been identified as having adequate delivery systems and high Hib disease burden.
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