About GAVI Who we are
Overview of the Operations Function in the GAVI Secretariat
30 May 2000
A. Introduction
The purpose of this document is to provide a brief overview of the
operations function in the GAVI Secretariat to the GAVI Board members,
and to obtain their endorsement of this arrangement. This paper will
not cover issues related to the management of the Vaccine Fund, which
will be covered in other documents.
At the meeting of the GAVI Proto-Board in Seattle in July 1999, UNICEF
offered to host the GAVI Secretariat in the UNICEF Office for Europe
in Geneva. This offer included the utilisation of the UNICEF
infrastructure and systems.
It is proposed that the Secretariat follow the UNICEF rules and
regulations for its administrative, financial and human resource
management. However, as the Alliance is a unique and separate entity,
there may be a need to make adaptations or exceptions to these rules
and regulations, in order to meet particular needs of the Alliance. In
such cases, the Executive Secretary will present a proposal to UNICEF
and the Working Group for endorsement. Such exceptions will be
reported to the Board in a "Log of Administrative adaptations and
exceptions for the GAVI Secretariat".
B. Work Plan and Working Group
The Secretariat will collaborate with the Working Group to prepare an
annual work plan, to be submitted for approval to the GAVI Board. The
members of the Working Group will be responsible for implementation of
the plan.
C. Financial Management
The GAVI Board has agreed that each member of the Alliance will
contribute US$ 300,000 annually for the functioning of the
Secretariat. The Executive Secretary is accountable for the
utilisation of these funds according to the appropriations approved by
the GAVI Board.
The funds are administered as a trust account within UNICEF and
therefore are not considered to be income to UNICEF. Funds are
disbursed through UNICEF Geneva at the request of the Executive
To facilitate management of the funds, it is proposed to pool the
contributions into one reporting, financial and auditing system.
The accounting unit is the Unites States dollar. The equivalent in
United States dollars of other currencies is established on the basis
of the United Nations operational rates of exchange.
Expenditures are accounted for on an accrual basis, except for those
relating to staff entitlements which are accounted for on the basis of
cash disbursements only. UNICEF has agreed that the normal Cost
Recovery for incremental indirect costs will not be levied against the
Secretariat funds. This applies the various financial transactions,
including bank charges.
The UNICEF Comptroller is the only authorised source to provide a
certified financial report. This would be done as soon as the UNICEF
books are closed. Certified financial reports would be available
within 60 days of the closing of the books for the financial year. As
soon as these reports are released, the Executive Secretary will
submit them for approval to the Board. The Secretariat will be able to
access utilisation reports at any time.
It is proposed to follow a fiscal cycle starting on 1 January of each
year; budgets will therefore be approved by the GAVI Board in the
Autumn session preceding the new fiscal year.
The Executive Secretary will regularly communicate to UNICEF
concerning the Table of Authority, for the approval of GAVI
D. Administrative Management
Procurement of office supplies and furniture, handling of official
travel are performed according to UNICEF rules and regulations, within
budgetary appropriations.
E. Human Resources Management
The GAVI Board approved six posts for the Secretariat. Staff members
working in the Secretariat are basically working on two types of
UNICEF contracts (Fixed-term appointments and on a reimbursable loan
The Executive Secretary is to be appointed by the Executive Director
of UNICEF based on a Board-directed selection process. The Executive
Secretary isresponsible for the appointment of the Secretariat staff.
UNICEF recruitment procedures will be followed with regards to
advertisement of posts. In the case of profession staff, a review
panel will include at least two members of the Working Group.
UNICEF Special Service Agreements contracts are issued for consultants.
F. Audit
The Secretariat will be subject to Internal Audit review by the Office
of Internal Audit of UNICEF. Audit reports will be addressed to the
UNICEF Executive Director with copies to the Executive Secretary. The
UNICEF Executive Director will then inform the Board.
G. Management Facilities Provided by UNICEF.
The Secretariat is grateful to UNICEF for hosting its offices within
the Regional Office for Europe in Geneva and for being able to benefit
from the Common Services facilities provided by its IT, Operations and
HR Sections.
The Secretariat will absorb the cost telephone calls and the purchase
of its equipment and office supplies.
Once the Board endorsement is received, it is proposed that the
Chairperson of the GAVI Board and the UNICEF Executive Director
formally signs this Overview of the Operations Function in the GAVI