Securing long-term financing =>> Financial sutainability =>>
All funded countries have had their FSPs reviewed.
Responsible entity: Secretariat Completed by: December 2005 Total budget: $360,000
Target description and how it will help reach GAVI milestones
Review of FSPs by technical partners and the IRC is an important contribution towards the FS process. GAVI Board will make decisions on the feasibility of FSPs based on the comments from IRC. Feedback provided to countries will help them improve their plans and help start the implementation process
ALL MILESTONES: Review of country FSPs enables countries to have continued support from GAVI and therefore improve their programs.
Justification for selection of activities
FSP submission by GAVI supported countries are one of GAVI requirements.
The Independent Review Committee needs facilitation support from the GAVI Secretariat to review FSPs and to make recommendations to the Board on the feasibility of the submitted plans.
Activities |
Budget |
Coordinating partner/ support partners |
Expected outcomes |
Organize reviews of FSPs submitted in 2004 |
$200,000 |
Secretariat |
• The IRC will have reviewed, analyzed feasibility of 30 FSPs and prepared for GAVI Board approval |
Preparation for reviews of FSPs submitted in 2005 |
$160,000 |
Secretariat |
• FSPs received from 6 countries, expenses obligated and preparation completed for review |