22-23 August 2002, Oslo
List of Presentations:
Introduction by Co-Chairs
Powerpoint 345k
Dr. Tore Godal, Executive Secretary, GAVI, Switzerland
Overview presentation What do we know about the economics of
Powerpoint 91k
Investing in immunization: The diversity of country situations
Powerpoint 408k
Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre, Director and Chairman of the Board, ECON,
What kind of economic information do decision-makers need for resource
a) Developing country perspective
H.E. Dr. Pascoal M. Mocumbi, Prime Minister, Mozambique
H.E. Mr. Donald Kaberuka, Minister of Finance, Rwanda
b) Donor perspective
Powerpoint 34k
Ms Marion Kelly, DFID, U.K.
Economic benefits from investing in child health and immunization
Powerpoint 1062k
Prof. David Canning, Department of Economics, Queen's University,
Belfast, U.K.
Finance for health in low-income countries: Findings of the Commission
on Macroeconomics and Health
Prof. Alan Tait, University of Kent at Canterbury, U.K.
GAVI Financing Task Force: GAVI Financial Sustainability plans and
Powerpoint 225k; GAVI Immunization Financing Database
Powerpoint 525k
Mr. Dan Kress, Abt Associates, U.S.A.
CHOICE: a new WHO database to provide cost-effectiveness data for all
major health interventions
Dr. Dan Chishom, WHO, Switzerland
Catalytic vaccine financing
Powerpoint 101k
Mr. Raj Shah, The Gates Foundation, USA
Health system approaches to increase coverage
Powerpoint 175k
Dr. Sam Adjei's presentation delivered by Tore Godal
Challenges in reaching higher coverage, from a McKinsey perspective
PDF 93k
Mr. Michael Conway, McKinsey Consulting, U.S.A.
Consider and discuss research directions
Prof. David Canning, Dr. Richard Bumgarner, Dr. Sigrun Mogedal
Conclusions and next steps