Oslo Workshop: 22-23 August 2002
List of participants in alphabetical order
- Mr. Wolfgang Bichmann, Chairman,
DAC/POVNET Subgroup on Poverty & Health, Germany
- Dr. Richard Bumgarner, Consultant,
Rockefeller Foundation, USA
- Prof. David Canning,
Department of Economics, Queen's University, UK
- Dr. Dan Chisholm, Economist,
Global Programme on Evidence for Health Policy, WHO, Switzerland
- Mr. Michael Conway, Principal,
McKinsey Consulting, USA
- Dr. Pedro Couto, Director,
National Research Department, Ministry of Finance, Mozambique
- Mr. Svein Åge Dale, Senior Adviser,
Department for Development Cooperation Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
- Dr. Martinho Dgedge, Deputy National Director of Health,
Ministry of Health, Mozambique
- Mr. Jonas Gahr Støre, Director and Chairman of the Board,
ECON Centre for Economic Analysis, Norway
- Dr. Tore Godal, Executive Secretary,
GAVI Secretariat, Switzerland
- Mr. Åge Grutle, Director General,
Department for Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
- Ms. Lisa Jacobs, Associate Secretary to the Board,
GAVI Secretariat, Switzerland
- Prof. Dean T. Jamison, Senior Fellow,
Fogarty International Center, USA
- Ms. Cathrine Jonsen, International secretary, Conference Organizer,
Energy and Environment, ECON Centre for Economic Analysis, Norway
- H.E. Mr. Donald Kaberuka, Minister,
Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Rwanda
- Ms. Tale Kandal, Higher Executive Officer,
Department for Bilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
- Ms. Marion Kelly, Specialist in Child Health,
- Dr. Jane F. Kengeya-Kayondo, Senior Policy Analyst,
Director General's Office, WHO, Switzerland
- Dr. Dan Kress, Senior Health Economist,
Children's Vaccine Program at PATH, Abt Associates, USA
- Dr.Rune Lea, Senior Adviser,
NORAD, Norway
- Dr. Josè Dias Loureiro, Economic Assistant,
Prime Minister's Office, Mozambique
- Mr. John Marshall, Consultant,
The Vaccine Fund, Switzerland
- H.E. Dr. Pascoal M. Mocumbi, Prime Minister,
- Dr. Sigrun Mogedal, GAVI Board Member and Senior Adviser,
NORAD, Norway
- Dr. Arve Ofstad, Senior Adviser,
NORAD, Norway
- Ms. Mai Oldgard, Adviser,
Energy and Environment, ECON Centre for Economical Analysis, Norway
- Mr. Ingvard Theo Olsen, Director, Health Economist,
Center for Health and Social Development, Norway
- Mr. Raj Shah, Chief Policy Analyst, Senior Economist,
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
- Mr. Philip Swanson, Senior Economist,
Energy and Environment, ECON Centre for Economic Analyisis, France
- Prof. Alan Tait,
University of Kent at Cantebury, UK
- Ms. Veronica Walford, Consultant,
- Ms. Gro Ween, Higher Executive Officer,
Department for Development Cooperation Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
REGRETS: - Dr. Sam Adjei, Deputy Director-General,
Ghana Health Services, Ghana
- Dr. Julian Lob-Levyt, Chief,
Health & Population Department, DFID, U.K.
Executive Summary
List of Participants
Introduction PPT 345k
What do we know about the economics of immunization? PPT 91k
Investing in immunization: The diversity of country situations PPT 408k
What kind of economic information do decision-makers need for resource allocation?: The donor perspective PPT 34k
Economic benefits from investing in child health and immunization PPT 1062k
GAVI Financial Sustainability plans and process PPT 225k; GAVI Immunization Financing Database PPT 525k
Catalytic vaccine financing PPT 101k
Health system approaches to increase coverage PPT 175k
- Dr. Sam Adjei's presentation delivered by Tore Godal
Challenges in reaching higher coverage PDF 93k