The GAVI Vaccine Provision Project
In June 2002, the GAVI Vaccine Provision Project (VPP) was created as a pilot to secure supply of VF supported vaccines in countries receiving assistance from The Vaccine Fund. It was established after the initial round of GAVI procurement highlighted the need for a centralized, accountable body to more closely coordinate program implementation, supply, and financing efforts.
Bringing together public health, finance and procurement professionals, it initially focused on developing an accurate forecast of hep B, Hib, and yellow fever vaccine use by countries in 2004-2006 -- this forecast was then used as the basis of the 2004-2006 tender. It is believed that this forecast, by establishing credible demand, will increase manufacturers’ willingness to make investments necessary to meet global vaccine needs, encourage the development of high priority vaccines, and, thereby, secure access to a wider array of affordable quality vaccines.
The GAVI Board will review the Lessons Learned in July 2003. |
Vaccine Provision Project Q&A
Board policy and background documents
News & Updates
Other resources
UNICEF Supply Division Information on Vaccine Fund supported products (shipment plans, awards)
WHO Vaccines and Biologicals Technical information on vaccines and new vaccine introduction
The Vaccine Fund
Contact VPP
Please send all inquiries to the GAVI Secretariat - gavi@unicef.org |
Board policy and background documents
Estabishment of VPP 19 June 2002
Lessons Learned: New Procurement Strategies for Vaccines (Word - 980 K)
Since 1992, the global market for vaccines has grown from $2.9 billion to $6 billion -- growth primarily due to industrialzed world demand for high-priced vaccines. 82% of vaccine industry revenue comes from sales of flu, travel, and "enhanced" childhood vaccines, but these products represent only 12% of the global volume. Mercer Management prepared this report for the GAVI Board, exploring the role GAVI vaccine procurement plays in the global vaccine market, and how its impact can be increased. (June 2002)
Management structure agreed upon 08 August 2002 Project manager appointed, membership of the oversight committee agreed upon, and timeline for draft vaccine forecast set.
1st Report of the VPP Oversight Committee 19 November 2002 Draft vaccine forecast presented and approved by the GAVI Board. 2004-2006 vaccine tender to be issued by UNICEF Supply division January 2003. Awards to be announced in July.
Forecasting methodology for GAVI/Vaccine Fund supported products (2004-2006) (Word - 116 K)
Forecast of Hepatitis B and Haemophilus Influenzae type b (Hib) containing Vaccines for Vaccine Fund Eligible Countries, 2004-2006 (Word - 112K) |