Financing Task Force
FTF Forum - January 23-24, 2002
Forum Presentations (All files are MS PowerPoint presentations unless noted otherwise)
Wednesday, January 23
- GAVI Two Years Later - Amie Batson, The World Bank
- New Products into Old Systems: GAVI from a country perspective - Mary Starling, London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and Save the Children UK
- Securing Long-Term External Commitments to GAVI - Peter D. Poore, Independant Consultant & Member, Core FTF
- Overview of FTF - Violaine Mitchell, Coordinator, FTF
- Financing
- Economic and Financial Strategies to Accelerate the Development of New Vaccines - Amie Batson, The World Bank
- Vaccine Procurement and Demand Forecasting
- Equity and Immunization - Davidson Gwatkin, The World Bank
- Opportunities in Immunization Financing: debt relief, development loans and IDA buy-downs - Joe Naimoli & Anthony Measham, The World Bank
- GAVI and Middle Income Countries - Ruth Levine, The World Bank
Thursday, January 24
- Financing
- Financial Sustainability
- Magnitude of the future financing problem - Bo Stenson, GAVI Secretariat
- Country Perspectives
- Government of Bangladesh - Siddiqur Rahman Choudhury, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance; Mohamed Ashraf Ali, Joint Secretary and Public Health, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; Md Mahbubar Rahman, Program Manager, EPI, Ministry of Health, Government of Bangladesh
- Government of Ghana - George Amofa and Mercy Essel Ahun, Government of Ghana
- Government of Pakistan - Rehan Hafiz, EPI Manager, Government of Pakistan
- Bolivia Health Sector Reform Project - Gina Tambini, Pan American Health Organisation
- Country Case Studies from Benin, Togo, Côte d'Ivoire - Marcel Drach and Anaïs Colombini, AMP, France
- Draft guidelines for the preparation of financial sustainability plans and pre-tests - Ruth Levine, The World Bank
- Draft indicators of financial sustainability - Marty Makinen, Abt Associates
- GAVI and Middle Income Countries
- Capacity Building
- Vaccine Demand Forecasting
- Financing Strategies to Accelerate Vaccine Development and Use
- Capacity Building
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