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The problem: Children are dying from vaccine-preventable diseases

Category: Health
Location: Kenya, India, Nepal, Sudan
This footage includes sound bites by Dr. Anne Wariri and footage of children suffering from preventable diseases in poorly stocked medical centres. This footage features some pillared 4 x 3 cuts.

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The GAVI Alliance is focused on accelerating the use and uptake of new and underused vaccines

Category: Health
Location: UK, India, Belgium
Footage of Queen Rania of Jordan and Dr. Ciro de Quadros, the President of the Sabin Vaccine Institute delivering sound bites and footage of a child being vaccinated in the UK and vaccine production at Glaxo Smith Kline in Belgium.

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The problem: Interview sound bites with global decision makers and personalities

Category: Health
Location: India, Sudan, Nepal, Democratic Republic of Congo
This features footage of Queen Rania of Jordan visiting hospitals in Jordan, India and Pakistan and footage of Julian Lob-Levyt, the Executive Secretary and CEO of GAVI Alliance, delivering sound bites and visiting a clinic in Kenya. This footage features some pillared 4 x 3 cuts.

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Vaccine delivery to remote locations

Category: Health
Location: USA, Kanya, Gambia, Cameroun, Cambodia
Footage of a health worker of the Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation in Alaska, USA, delivering sound bites, general views of Alaskan children and a health worker travelling to remote Alaskan communities to provide vaccination services. This footage also features access to vaccination in Kenya, general views of a Gambian vaccination clinic, sound bites by Julian Lob-Levyt, the Executive Secretary and CEO of GAVI Alliance, and footage showing the difficulty of transporting medicines in rural Cameroon. This footage features some pillared 4 x 3 cuts.

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Benefits of investment in immunisation

Category: Health
Location: England, India, Africa, Mexico, Nepal
Footage of sound bites delivered by Julian Lob-Levyt, the Executive Secretary and CEO of GAVI Alliance, Dr. Ciro de Quadros, the President of Sabin Vaccine Institute and Queen Rania of Jordan and general views of healthy children showing the benefits of immunisation.

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