How you and
your organization can work towards the goal of immunizing every
- Help immunize your employees and their
families by offering immunization days at your premises,
or by sponsoring local immunization activities; urge employees
to learn about immunization and to immunize their children
and themselves when necessary.
- Learn more about how immunization can
increase productivity, help create a more capable future
workforce and help people escape from poverty.
- Determine the immunization needs and
successes of countries in which you do business and particularly
those in which you have operations.
- Support immunization efforts through
contributions of corporate philanthropic funds; allocate
a percentage of your annual profits to local immunization
and vaccination initiatives with GAVI.
- Encourage and recognize employee participation
in volunteer programs aimed at increasing immunization coverage.
- Develop and participate in advocacy
and advertising campaigns to promote immunization in the
countries where you work.
- Contact GAVI to discuss ways to offer goods
or advice, make donations, or support local efforts.
- Incorporate age-appropriate information
about immunization into school curricula.
- Provide take-home materials on vaccines
and immunization that your students can share with their
families; use school meetings or events to help further
educate parents about the importance of immunization.
- Help your students organize campaigns in
their communities to educate their peers about the importance
of immunization.
Policy makers: Donor
- Make funding for immunization a top
priority in public health and economic development loans
and grants in your bilateral programs.
- Contact GAVI to support the work of
the Alliance.
- Support GAVI with logistical aid and other
in-kind contributions (transportation, broadcast and media help).
National Health
- Make universal childhood immunization
with all appropriate vaccines a national priority.
- Set up National Immunization Coordination
Committees, with participation from leading national, bilateral
and multi-lateral organizations.
- Consider approaching GAVI and other
funding sources for assistance in making vaccines accessible
to children.
- Make immunization a topic of high-level
discussions at national forums.
- Organize information and social mobilization
campaigns to educate the public about immunization.
- Stay current on the vaccine and immunization
front by visiting GAVI and GAVI-partner web sites regularly.
- Participate in a field visit with one of
the GAVI partner organizations (i.e., UNICEF, WHO, The World Bank)
to see first-hand the impact of immunization and report back to
your audiences.
- Contact GAVI to discuss ways your organization
can contribute.
- Collaborate with government and other
development partners to strengthen immunization with all
appropriate vaccines at the local level.
- Ensure that the cause of universal immunization
is a top priority with your audiences.
Philanthropists, Trusts
and Foundations
- Become knowledgeable about vaccines
and immunization and the role they play in world health
and economic development.
- Consider contributing to the Vaccine
Fund or other efforts in support
of immunization.
- Help GAVI advocate for higher immunization
rates around the world, and for the development of new vaccines
that are especially relevant to the nations of the developing
Young People
- Learn more about vaccines and immunization
by visiting the GAVI web site or other partner sites.
- Create your own group such as the "Youth
Immunization Advocates" to educate your peers about the importance
of immunization.
- Raise money for the Vaccine Fund.
To find out more about GAVI and how to
contribute to its goals, please contact:
Lisa Jacobs
GAVI Secretariat
Palais des Nations
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Tel: 41.22.909.50.42
Fax: 41.22.909.59.31
Email: gavi@unicef.org
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