Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization A partnership for children?s health
Mother and child at the Boane clinic (Photo: Heidi Larson)

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New GAVI Safety Policy

The June Board meeting of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) highlighted the importance of improving immunization safety. A new policy was adopted to support immunization systems in their transition to auto-disable (AD) syringes for all routine immunizations. Partners also committed to supporting countries to improve the safety of the disposal of medical waste resulting from immunization programs and to invest in the research and development of new, environmentally friendly and cost effective technologies.

Starting this autumn, countries eligible for the Vaccine Fund will be able to apply for a three-year supply of AD syringes for all EPI vaccines. Further details on how the application process will work will be made available in mid-August, coinciding with the distribution of the revised Guidelines on Country Proposals for Support to Immunization Services and New and Under-used Vaccines.

New safety policy adopted by the GAVI Board


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