NINTH GAVI BOARD MEETING Dakar, 18-19 November 2002
4 Joint session and topics with Executive Committee of Vaccine Fund
- One of the tenets upon which the Vaccine Fund was designed was to increase reliability of vaccine supply, or 'vaccine security', by making longer term purchasing commitments vaccine manufacturers. The GAVI emphasis on results-based funding does not have to be in conflict with this ideology.
- The Board welcomed the commitment from Jacques-François Martin that The Vaccine Fund Executive Committee will always respond to GAVI Board requests within one week.
- As the Vaccine Fund makes the case for funding from new donors, it will be important to prioritize activities and report on results of efforts to date, while keeping an eye on whether global financing mechanisms distort country priorities. European government Board members may be helpful in securing EU funding for The Vaccine Fund.
The Board:
- 1.1 Endorsed the proposed approach to long-term funding for vaccines from GAVI and The Vaccine Fund, as outlined by Alice Albright of the Vaccine Fund. In this approach:
- 1.2 There would be a distinction between commitments for vaccine procurement and financial disbursements to countries.
- 1.3 Procurement decisions would be made for up to five years on the basis of the current forecast. Both GAVI and Vaccine Fund Boards would approve these procurement decisions at the outset of a procurement cycle.
- 1.4 The Vaccine Provision Project (VPP) could negotiate long term purchase commitments as needed.
- 1.5 GAVI and the Vaccine Fund would continue to monitor country progress annually; disbursements of supply would be based on receipt of satisfactory annual progress reports.
- 1.6 In situations where there is a serious lack of progress and/or non-fulfillment of reporting obligations, the Boards may have to consider discontinuation of support for vaccine supply. This situation would be exceptional and would occur only after extensive consultation with the ICCs to remedy the situation.
- 1.7 Requested the Vaccine Fund to work with the VPP and the GAVI Secretariat to continue analysis and report back to the Board with a proposal that addresses the specific operational issues and mechanics.