NINTH GAVI BOARD MEETING Dakar, 18-19 November 2002
5 GAVI Workplans, including proposed budgets and discussion of financing
Paper (Word - 698K)
- The GAVI Consolidated Work Plan, while representing a tremendous step forward, presenting a basis for efforts to define and build upon GAVI's "added value", remains a "work in progress". Areas for clarification are noted below.
- The reliance on partners to implement is fundamental to the concept of GAVI. However, this complicates efforts to elaborate a credible plan to achieve the GAVI objectives and to hold the alliance accountable for its promised achievements.
- There was concern that the current version of the work plan suggests that GAVI might assume increasing responsibility for implementation at the country level. It is important for GAVI to focus on adding value (vs. substituting for partners' roles); in so doing, GAVI is bound to challeng partners to fulfil their respective responsibilities.
- There is a lack of a clear linkage between the plans for global and regional GAVI activities, and country-level immunization activities. It will be important that further iterations of the work plan reflect input from countries on their perceived needs from GAVI. Developing country board members welcomed the suggestion to provide $25,000 per year to each Vaccine Fund eligible country ICC to enhance their ability to manage the proposal and monitoring process.
- Broadening the constituency for GAVI, including through an enhanced role for NGOs, may accelerate progress toward improving "access".
- While task forces and regional working group structures have been very important in the initial phase, such as to develop concepts for new initiatives (e.g., financial sustainability plans, the ADIPs) or to generate a short term "surge" of effort, some Board members would like to consider establishing other mechanisms (like the vaccine provision project) for longer term activities that require a substantial budget and clear structures for management and accountability.
- Sources of financial support for the work plans will include a mix of resources from the implementing partners, GAVI donors, and the Vaccine Fund.
The Board:
- 1.1 Agreed to the following plan for taking the work planning forward:
- 1.1.1 Objective: To finalize and resource the GAVI consolidated workplan for 2003 (2004).
- 1.1.2 Key elements:
- i) Develop framework for the work plan based on the GAVI added value concept.
- ii) Align the consolidated work plan with GAVI's added value
- Current work plan elements to focus on added value
- Exclude those activities that do not contribute to added value
- Include additional activities that fill gaps
- iii) Analyze the allocation and use of current donor contributions to implementing partners for GAVI « added value » activities
- iv) Develop the financing mechanisms for unfunded activities.
- v) Establish management structures and processes that will allow optimisation of the use of resources, outcomes and GAVI's added value.
- 1.1.3 Process: Board sub-group to work with the GAVI Secretariat to finalize a revised work plan to be submitted to the full Board by the end of January 2003. The Working Group will be consulted throughout the process.
- 1.1.4 Board sub-group composition: WHO, UNICEF, Mali, Norway, Netherlands, Gates Foundation, Red Cross, CDC [subsequent to the meeting the World Bank requested to join the sub-group].
- 1.2 Requested the Executive Secretary to provide a new proposal for Working Group composition that reflects a more rapid turnover of members while maintaining a consistent and skill-based group, as opposed to a strictly representational group. Increased developing country participation could be sought through the R&D seat.