GAVI Board Teleconference
25 September 2001
Summary Report (Word - 30K)
1.China proposal
- The independent review committee (IRC) assessed the information provided by China in response to the conditional approval it had previously received and found it to be acceptable; the IRC therefore recommends that the GAVI Board approve the China proposal.
- Several board members requested that they be given more information and another forum during which to discuss its decision on the China project. There are a number of important issues to be resolved with this project, including the government’s use of user fees to support the immunization infrastructure, the level of support requested from the Vaccine Fund over five years (50% every year rather than a gradual phasing out of funding), milestones for meeting the regulatory standards, and methods for procuring the vaccines.
- The Board agreed to approve the proposal, with a proviso that no money would be released to support the China project until a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between GAVI and the government of China clarifying the above points, has been signed by both parties.
- The Board further requested that the decision letter on China, to be drafted by the GAVI Secretariat, clearly indicate GAVI’s requirement for an MOU, and that the draft be distributed to the Board prior to being finalized and sent to the government of China.
- Possible plans for a high-level government announcement in China with Bill Gates Jr on or around 18 October should be coordinated as much as possible with GAVI partners to ensure consistent and accurate messages are conveyed.
2. New Board Member
- Nine candidates from non-African Vaccine Fund eligible countries have been nominated to fill the seat to be vacated by Lyonpo Sangay Ngedup at the end of 2001; seven of those nominated are Ministers of Health.
- Based upon the previously agreed criteria* for Board membership, a proposal was made by a few Board members to accept the nomination of the Indian Minister of Health, Dr Thaqur. Mr Ngedup, who was unable to participate in the teleconference but had sent his recommendation to the Secretariat, also proposed that India’s nomination be accepted. The proposal was accepted by all. The Secretariat agreed to notify all of those nominated about this decision.
*As previously agreed by the Board, members should be selected based on the following criteria.
1. Importance, or potential importance, of the institution to GAVI’s mission.
2. Commitment and availability of the candidate member to GAVI activities, including keeping constituency involved.
4. Technical, geographic and gender diversity in the composition of the Board.