Sixth GAVI Board Meeting, 17 October 2001, Ottawa, Canada
October 2001
5. China
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Development of an MOU with a country that has been approved for
support by the GAVI Board will not become standard practice it will
only be explored under special circumstances, such as in large
countries where the Vaccine Fund will be investing a large sum, and in
those where the ICC thinks it is needed.
was expressed that the Board had been under pressure to make a rapid
decision in order to capture an opportunity for publicity that did not
in the end materialise. It was suggested that due process should be
followed in future.
The Board
supported the proposed guidelines for the MOU with China developed by
the sub-group (Mali, Norway, United Kingdom, CVP, GAVI Secretariat)
which participated in a teleconference with China ICC representatives
one day prior to the Board meeting. Accordingly, the MOU should cover
the following points:
syringes: The MOH proposal that the central government will
contribute hepatitis B vaccine and related syringe costs, but that
counties will contribute to the cost of syringes for the other EPI
vaccines, is acceptable.
Procurement: The MOH proposal of using an open, national
competitive tenders managed by MOH and MOF is acceptable. It might
be advisable to include a procurement specialist in the process.
fees: The Board will accept that China will charge a low service
fee for hepatitis B, in line with the fee charged for other EPI
vaccines. It hopes that such service fee will eventually be phased
Implementation arrangements, including:
that the ICC will monitor immunization generally, not just
GAVI supported aspects
the need for accountability and independent auditing
the need for county level implementation plans
monitoring arrangements that maximize the use of existing
health information systems
roles and reporting arrangements for the project office and
the need to address disposal of AD syringes
There are
four basic options for whom should sign the MOU on behalf of GAVI: a
designated member of the Board, the Chair of the Board, the President
of the Vaccine Fund, or the Executive Secretary of the Secretariat.
5.1 requested that the MOU with China be developed based on the
guidelines presented and be approved by the Board before finalization.
5.2 agreed
that UNICEF would submit a proposal to the Board for the most
appropriate signatories for the MOU on behalf of GAVI.