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Eighth GAVI Board Meeting, Paris, 19-20 June 2002

6. Financial Sustainability Plan Update

Click here to download presentation [Powerpoint, 269 kb]

Click here to download paper [Word, 40 kb]

  • There was enthusiastic support for the work conducted by the Financing Task Force on the development, testing and planning for countries' financial sustainability plans. Countries that prepare these plans could learn important lessons for other areas of health financing.

  • It will be important to analyse early countries' experiences to learn how immunization financing decisions apply within the broader health and development context, and to discern the relative benefits of prevention as compared to curative services. However, care should be taken so that the process does not become too complicated and burdensome for countries.

  • The process to support countries' development of the plans needs to be integrated into the two-year GAVI workplan and budget; it will be important to think about how this will affect the workload of the GAVI Secretariat.

  • GAVI partners at the country level will need contribute to the work on financial sustainability plans, according to their comparative advantage. The Board also noted the important role of the Regional Working Groups in coordinating technical support to countries.

  • The outcome of the extended pilot of the financial sustainability plans, including proposed Board actions to address resource gaps, will be presented to the Board in the spring of 2003.


The Board:

2.1 Approved the proposed system and timeline to support the first 13 countries to prepare financial sustainability plans (FSPs), as outlined in the paper.

2.2 Approved the proposed process for review of the FSPs submitted in the extended pilot phase. The Board will expect a report of the lessons learned at its Spring 2003 meeting.

2.3 Recommended to include the economic context of each country as a component of the FSPs, and that country- and regional-level World Bank staff should be involved in the process.

2.4 Requested an in-depth analysis of the effect of the influx of support from The Vaccine Fund on perhaps two countries, especially as a lesson for other funding mechanisms such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.


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