Eighth GAVI Board Meeting, Paris, 19-20 June 2002
Pre-meeting symposium on Scaling up a joint response between global and national efforts: Summary of Presentations and Discussion
Click here to download presentation [Powerpoint, 26 kb]
Click here to download presentation [Powerpoint, 37 kb]
Julian Lob-Levyt presented a summary of the current health and development context:
- There is an increased international commitment to development, and health in particular. This increase in interest is related to :
- HIPC and Poverty Reduction Strategies
- Globalisation, trade, access to medicines
- The importance of investing in health, as demonstrated by the Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health
- Millennium Development Goals
- This new focus is also translating into increase in resources and innovative partnerships focused on accelerating R&D or delivering health resources. The great challenges are to become more outcome focussed and avoid sterile debates, e.g., on vertical vs. integrated, or categorical vs. systems approaches.
- In the donor community, there is a need to bridge the divide between global initiatives and country co-ordination; to set longer term development agendas; to develop an effective response and 'lock it in' while there is this strong interest in health; and to enhance capacity (particularly of multilaterals) to provide support at country level.
Sigrun Mogedal then presented a summary of potential strategies for developing a response:
- Donors need to take the lead in increasing predictability in funding and partnering; countries need to take the lead in developing systems that respond to and manage benefits of global initiatives.
- In the GAVI process there are a number of opportunities to build these bridges:
- Efforts to ensure financial sustainability
- Link ICC partners and SWAP partners.
- Engage UN and World Bank in bridging with MDGs and PRS.
- Communicate better with civil society / NGO development partners
- Identify a GAVI partner at the country level that can serve as a communicator between actors.
- Strengthen research at country level to strengthen capacity and inform policy decisions
The Board then engaged in a discussion of the points raised:
- In order to engage in the macroeconomic debate and make the case to Finance Ministers to provide more support, we need to highlight the developmental benefits of vaccination, including future costs averted. This also needs to link into country level priority setting processes.
- We need clearer lines of accountability, and measurements of progress against targets, for country health systems and the GAVI alliance.
- We have a limited window of opportunity. Some donors may be willing to make longer-term commitments to the poorest countries. However, we need to provide numbers showing how the money we have spent has had an impact. Is this new way of doing business getting the results we have intended?
- The lack of skilled and motivated staff is a limiting factor in any effort to improve health outcomes in countries. How do we address this problem, given donors' traditional reluctance to provide recurrent staffing costs?
- Finally, it is agreed that GAVI is giving partners an excellent opportunity to explore new strategies, learn lessons, and help to show the way for other similar efforts.