The GAVI / Vaccine Fund country application review process
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Update on review sessions:
The next proposal review session will be held in October 2004. For new proposals to be considered during these reviews, they must be received at the GAVI Secretariat by 24 September 2004. All proposals should follow the Guidelines and Forms dated August 2002 (Rev. 4). (see column to right)
- Countries that are already receiving support and wish to apply for additional support: please only submit documentation relevant to your new request (immunization services, injection safety, additional new vaccines), as shown in Annex 2 of the Guidelines.
- Countries that have received conditional approval in a previous review: Please only submit documentation relevant to the questions raised in the correspondence from the GAVI Secretariat, which explained the conditions recommended by the Independent Review Committee.
- Countries that have received requests for resubmission: Please submit a full new proposal.
All eligible countries are invited to submit proposals, with 10-day reviews held in Geneva twice a year. Countries are strongly encouraged to prepare their proposals in collaboration with their national partners. Alliance members at the country level (usually an ICC) are required to sign the proposals, thereby indicating their endorsement and agreement with the information provided.
The review/the reviewers
Proposals are reviewed at set times throughout the year in Geneva by a group of independent experts in health and immunization. Currently there are nine reviewers, eight of whom are from developing or middle income countries. Some are current or previous EPI managers, directors or medical services or the like, one is a health economist (a health minister was previously on the Committee). No country documentation is sent out to the reviewers before the review sessions in Geneva.
Prior to their review by the Committee, each proposal has been pre-assessed by a WHO expert group which looks at consistency of information, validity of data provided, coordination with polio eradication and injection safety efforts. Their feedback is provided in written form to the Independent Review Committee for their use during deliberations on the proposals.
The review results in recommendations as follows:
- Approval
- Approval with clarifications some details or numbers have to be clarified, decision subsequently to be taken by the Secretariat, usually within a month.
- Conditional approval deficiencies in one or more major areas; response to conditions to be reviewed again by the review committee at a later round.
- Resubmission Major deficiencies or incomplete proposals. Full re-submission and new review at a later round required.
The review committee recommendations are forwarded to the GAVI Board for decision. To date, the GAVI Board has accepted all of the independent review committee recommendations. The Vaccine Fund Board usually meets within hours to confirm the GAVI Board decision. To date, the Vaccine Fund Board has confirmed all of the decisions made by the GAVI Board, without exception.
The review process from the cut-off date for submission of proposals, to notification of review outcome to countries is executed within six to eight weeks. |
Proposal guidelines and forms (revised August 2002):
If you have questions, please contact your local UNICEF or WHO office, or the GAVI Secretariat at gavi@unicef.org