12th GAVI BOARD MEETING Geneva, Switzerland, 9 - 10 December 2003 SUMMARY REPORT
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5. GAVI Secretariat and The Vaccine Fund management : launching a path toward convergence
- As the long-term vision for GAVI/The Vaccine Fund are further fleshed out and aligned, it will be important to consider the future of the relevant management structures - the GAVI Secretariat and the Vaccine Fund management. Actions to determine the strategic objectives of GAVI/The Vaccine Fund and to evaluate the corresponding management structure(s) of the two entities should be closely linked.
- It will be important to take lessons learned from other institutions and initiatives, and think about which lessons can be learned by the GAVI experience. What are the costs and benefits of the current management structures? What works and what does not work?
The Board:
5.1 Agreed that the functions of GAVI - as the Alliance - and the Vaccine Fund - as the financial mechanism - should be aligned to the greatest extent possible, and that it is time to look at the GAVI and Vaccine Fund architectures with an eye toward increasing efficiency and performance.
5.2 Requested the GAVI Secretariat and the Vaccine Fund management to explore the practical issues of a convergence. The timeline for this work should be as aggressive as possible, considering that Tore Godal will retire end December 2004 and recruitment for his replacement needs to start in the first quarter of 2004.
5.3 Agreed that a high-level consultant should be retained for this work, as outlined by the Vaccine Fund, and a proposal should be presented to the Executive Committee by 31 January 2004.
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