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GAVI Update

Geneva, Switzerland, 9 - 10 December 2003

Nominations for Developing Country Board member
(PDF - 8K)

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14. Board Turnover


The Board:

    14.1 Accepted the nomination of Sweden to assume the industrialized country government seat being vacated by the United States at the end of 2003. Sweden, whose term will be from January 2004 to December 2006, will be represented by State Secretary Annika Bjurner Söder.

    14.2 Accepted the nomination of Bangladesh to assume the developing country government seat being vacated by India at the end of 2003. Bangladesh, whose term will be from January 2004 to December 2006, will be represented by Minister for Health and Family Welfare Dr. Khandaker Mossarraf Hossain, M.P.

    14.3 Accepted the nomination of Chiron to assume the industrialized country vaccine industry seat being vacated by Wyeth at the end of 2003. Chiron, whose term will be from January 2004 to December 2006, will be represented by Vice President and President Chiron Vaccines John Lambert.

    14.4 Agreed to delay the decision on the technical institute seat until more information is received from the current candidates.

    14.5 Decided that Canada should replace the United States on the GAVI Executive Committee. In order to ensure a smooth transition, the US should remain on the EC through Spring 2004.

    14.6 Accepted the proposal to have the vaccine industry represented on the Working Group by Elaine Esber of Merck. The Board also accepted the proposal to co-opt USAID into the Working Group, represented by Susan McKinney.

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