Securing long-term financing =>> Financial sutainability =>>
All funded countries have developed their financial sustainability plans (FSP) according to schedule, with lessons learned and experiences shared with countries and partners.
Status |
Achievement of overall target |
On track |
• Financial Sustainability Plan preparation is well in hand, though there are significant challenges ahead with some countries in crisis (Sudan, Sao Tome, Somalia).
• Countries participating in workshops before June 30 will be submitting Financial Sustainability Plans in November 2004; others will be submitting in January 2005.
• Currently ten out of 17 countries are on track with November submission; countries not on track include those in crisis or difficult circumstances.
Responsible entity: Financing Task Force (FTF) Completed by: December 2005 Total budget: $3,284,500
Target description and how it will help reach GAVI milestones
Countries are required to submit a Financial Sustainability Plan in the second year of support from GAVI/Vaccine Fund outlining how they and their development partners can sustain the improved immunization program once catalytic support from the Vaccine Fund ends.
ALL MILESTONES: Key to the GAVI model is the notion that countries and partners will gradually ramp up to meet the costs of the improved immunization program. The preparation of a Financial Sustainability Plan is the first step towards mobilizing and effectively using financial resources to support medium and long-term program objectives.
Justification for selection of activities
Countries are required to submit a financial sustainability plan in the second year of support from GAVI/VF to initiate the process required to ensure long-term financing. 30 countries are scheduled to prepare FSPs in 2004; 4 countries in 2005.
Global coordination by FTF ensures consistency, provides oversight, and enables the process to be continually improved and streamlined through on-going feedback from countries, partners, and the IRC.
Use of regional mechanisms enhances efficiency and facilitates sharing of lessons learned and best practices.
The FSP process empowers the government to know its costs for immunization, plan for financing and make more rational allocative decisions.
If GAVI does not support countries in their efforts towards sustainable financing, both the continuation of the enhanced immunization programs and outlook for the introduction of future vaccines and technologies are doubtful.
ACTION PLAN Activities | Budget | Coordinating partner/ support partners | Expected outcomes | Support to countries for FSP development | $1,640,000 | WHO WB CVP Bilaterals Unicef | • 30 countries are expected to prepare and submit FSPs in 2004; • 4 countries to submit in 2005. • FSPs are to include a complete diagnosis, financial projections, and feasible action plans when reviewed by IRC. | Regional partners to coordinate support to countries for FSP preparation and implementation. | $625,000 | TBD | • Regional partners and mechanisms are contracted to coordinate support to countries for FSP preparation and to enhance national and regional capacity to support FSP development. | Global coordination of financial sustainability preparation process. | $599,500 | WHO | • Successful coordination of partner support to Round 3, 4, & 5 countries to prepare FSPs; • Guidelines and tools updated; • Best practices/lessons learned successfully shared among countries and partners at country, regional, and global levels. | Strategic analysis in support of FSP preparation | $420,000 | WB WHO CVP Unicef Bilaterals | • Updating guidelines and tools, lessons learned, sharing best practices among countries, partners. |
Detailed information on activities
FTF will contract out responsibility for FSP preparation support to partner agencies and entities through a competitive bidding process. It is envisaged that regional partners will provide a critical link and bridge in the provision of support to countries.
Targets by priority area
Securing long-term financing
==>> Financial sustainability
• All funded countries have developed their financial sustainability plans (FSP) according to schedule, with lessons learned and experiences shared with countries and partners. • All countries assisted to integrate FSPs into their national planning and budgetting processes (which may include PRSPs and MTEFs) • Role of FTF in coordinating partner inputs and assuring funds for financial sustainability work to be transfered to partner(s) with their future roles and responsibilities clearly defined. • All funded countries have had their FSPs reviewed. • New global and country level financing mechanisms developed and tested.
==>> Recapitalization of The Vaccine Fund
Strategic planning & monitoring
==>> Setting priorities
==>> Monitoring progress
==>> Alliance coordination
Strengthening service delivery
==>> Health information and monitoring systems
==>> Contributing to alleviation of system-wide barriers
==>> Enhanced efforts in large population countries
Ensuring access to vaccines and related products
==>> Procurement/Supply of existing products
==>> Development and introduction of new, near-term products
==>> Managing process for country support from Vaccine Fund