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Immunization Focus

A quarterly publication of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization

En Français

[ UNICEF/HQ91-0890/Roger Lemoyne ]None

March 2001

Special feature

First, do no harm
Lisa Jacobs examines the road to injection safety from recognition of the problem to action
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The Idea Exchange

Don't be distracted from good routine immunization
Catriona Waddington opens a debate on whether GAVI and governments have got their priorities right
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Equity is the key to our policy
Tore Godal responds
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Introducing hepatitis B vaccine
As the first round of countries prepare to immunize children for the first time against hepatitis B, Scott Wittet shares some tips in advocacy, communication, and training from developing countries that have done it already
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Hard work ahead
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Charles Mérieux
Jacques-François Martin remembers a mentor committed to the health of the poor
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