Progress Towards Global Immunization Goals
Recently prepared by the WHO, this slideshow summarizes
global progress in vaccination efforts for DTP3, Polio, Measles,
MNT, HepB, and Hib3. It also gives information on which countries
have national plans for immunization, which countries include vitamin
A supplements with their immunization services, and which countries
incorporate injection safety in their immunization services. It
concludes with a global immunization score card.
the powerpoint presentation (698kb)
Information by vaccine
- DTP3:
Graph of DTP3 coverage, chart breaking down the 37 million
children not immunized by region, chart estimating the number
of additional number of children who will need to be reached to
increase coverage from the current level of 72% to 80%, 90%, and
100%, maps showing DTP3 coverage in developing countries.
- Polio: Map showing
progress from the WHA Resolution to Eradicate Polio in 1988 to
the year 2000, graph of reported and estimated cases of polio
from 1985.
- Measles: Map
of countries that achieved measles coverage of 90% in 2000, map
of countries that have implemented routine measles vaccinations,
and/or have, within the last four years, conducted a national
immunization campaign covering at least 90% of children under
the age of five.
- Maternal and neonatal
tetanus (MNT): Map showing MNT elimination status.
- HepB: Graph showing
the number of countries that have introduced the vaccine and the
extent of global coverage, map of countries that have introduced
the vaccine and reported HepB coverage.
- Hib3: Map of countries
that have introduced the vaccine and reported Hib3 coverage.