Get More Vitamins and Minerals Into Your Diet

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In today’s busy world, it’s become all too easy to find food on the go. There are numerous fast food restaurants on every block and convenient snacks you can simply grab on your way to the next meeting or eat as breakfast during the morning commute. Unfortunately, many of those quick and easy options simply don’t provide the essential nutrition we all need from our everyday diets to maintain healthy bodies and minds.

Recent nutritional studies have shown that the average working adult’s diet fails to meet the minimum daily recommended intakes for many key nutrients, particularly iron, magnesium, calcium and vitamins A, C, D, and E. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can cause serious health issues that affect people of all different body types and at every stage of life. For example, a calcium deficiency can contribute to bone density loss and cause osteoporosis in older women. Low iron levels cause exhaustion and can lead to anemia. Vitamin C is responsible for nutrient absorption inside the body, and adults who don’t get enough Vitamin C in their diets run a risk of compromising their immune system.

So, how do we go about getting those essential vitamins and minerals into our bodies? The best approach to take is to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into our daily diets, of course! Fruits and vegetables - especially fresh produce - are excellent natural sources of countless vitamins and minerals. Many citrus fruits (such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and limes) can provide 100% of the daily recommended intake of Vitamin C, which helps boost immune health. Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, and broccoli offer lots of iron as well as Vitamin A, magnesium, and plenty of fiber. A good rule of thumb is to eat a variety of colored fruits and vegetables each day. Different colors indicate high levels of different vitamins and minerals; eating “the rainbow” can help ensure you’re getting the nutrients your body needs.

However, whether due to personal preference or possibly the resulting digestive discomfort, many of us struggle to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. That doesn’t mean we need to miss out on all the benefits fresh produce has to offer! One way to get those vitamins and minerals is to juice your fruits and veggies, so you can simply drink those nutrients without the bulk. Juicing offers a number of health benefits from immune system function to improved digestive health. To learn more about the benefits of juicing, check out the interesting and informational health documentaries available on Netflix. (If Netflix isn’t available in your country yet, learn which VPN is best to watch Netflix overseas here.)

The key to a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle is to make sure you’re giving your body the nutrition it needs to function every day at its greatest potential. Although many of us may struggle to eat the right foods to meet our vitamin and mineral needs, it’s always possible to work towards achieving a better nutritional balance in our daily diets and everyday lives.

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